六月 廿九日 圣伯多禄及 圣保禄
全能的天主,伯多禄宣认祢的圣子为默西亚;祢以他所宣认的信仰作盘石,建立教会。求祢保护我们的信仰,使我们在任何干扰与打击下,决不动摇,稳立在宗徒传下来的信仰中。因祢的圣子、我们的主耶稣基督,祂和祢及圣神,是唯一天主,永生永王。 亚孟。
伯前 5:1-4 (我这同为长老的,为基督的苦难作证。) 咏 23 (上主是我的牧者,我实在一无所缺。) 玛 16:13-19 (你是伯多禄,我要把天国的钥匙交给你。)
伯多禄(原名西满),原是一位渔夫,他的兄弟是安德肋,是他引领伯多禄与主耶稣相遇(若1:35-42),他们同样响应耶稣的召叫成为宗徒,成为「捕人的渔夫」(路5:1-11)。他宣认耶稣是「默西亚,永生天主之子」后,耶稣称他为「伯多禄(意思是盘石)」,并声言要在这盘石上建立教会,还把「天国的钥匙」交给他(玛16:13-19)。 在福音的记载中,伯多禄的名字常被列于其它宗徒的名字之首;在一些特别的时刻(显圣容、山园祈祷......),耶稣只在十二宗徒中拣选数字相伴,其中一位是伯多禄。 当耶稣被捕受审时,伯多禄曾三次否认耶稣,但他认清自己的过失时,痛哭悔过。耶稣从死中复活后,将自己的羊交给伯多禄照顾。(若21:15-17) 在公元六十七年于罗马被钉十字架殉道致命。 In the time immediately after the Ascension, Peter stood as the unquestionable head of the Apostles, his position made evident in the Acts. He appointed the replacement of Judas Iscariot; he spoke first to the crowds that had assembled after the descent of the Holy Spirit at Pentecost; he was the first Apostle to perform miracles in the name of the Lord; and he rendered judgment upon the deceitful Ananias and Sapphira. Peter was instrumental in bringing the Gospel to the Gentiles. He baptized the Roman pagan Cornelius, and at the Council of Jerusalem he gave his support to preaching to Gentiles, thereby permitting the new Church to become universal. Imprisoned by King Herod Agrippa, he was aided in an escape by an angel. He then resumed his apostolate in Jerusalem and his missionary efforts included travels to such cities of the pagan world as Antioch, Corinth, and eventually Rome. He made reference to the Eternal City in his first Epistle by noting that he writes from Babylon . It is certain that Peter died in Rome and that his martyrdom came during the reign of Emperor Nero, probably in 64. Testimony of his martyrdom is extensive, including Origen, Eusebius of Caesarea, St. Clement I of Rome, St. Ignatius, and St. Irenaeus. According to rich tradition, Peter was crucified on the Vatican Hill upside down because he declared himself unworthy to die in the same manner as the Lord. He was then buried on Vatican Hill, and excavations under St. Peter Basilica have unearthed his probable tomb, and his relics are now enshrined under the high altar of St. Peter.
In the time immediately after the Ascension, Peter stood as the unquestionable head of the Apostles, his position made evident in the Acts. He appointed the replacement of Judas Iscariot; he spoke first to the crowds that had assembled after the descent of the Holy Spirit at Pentecost; he was the first Apostle to perform miracles in the name of the Lord; and he rendered judgment upon the deceitful Ananias and Sapphira. Peter was instrumental in bringing the Gospel to the Gentiles. He baptized the Roman pagan Cornelius, and at the Council of Jerusalem he gave his support to preaching to Gentiles, thereby permitting the new Church to become universal. Imprisoned by King Herod Agrippa, he was aided in an escape by an angel. He then resumed his apostolate in Jerusalem and his missionary efforts included travels to such cities of the pagan world as Antioch, Corinth, and eventually Rome. He made reference to the Eternal City in his first Epistle by noting that he writes from Babylon . It is certain that Peter died in Rome and that his martyrdom came during the reign of Emperor Nero, probably in 64. Testimony of his martyrdom is extensive, including Origen, Eusebius of Caesarea, St. Clement I of Rome, St. Ignatius, and St. Irenaeus. According to rich tradition, Peter was crucified on the Vatican Hill upside down because he declared himself unworthy to die in the same manner as the Lord. He was then buried on Vatican Hill, and excavations under St. Peter Basilica have unearthed his probable tomb, and his relics are now enshrined under the high altar of St. Peter.
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