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辅仁大学神学论集 第105号

前 言


By the time the present issue of our mgrine is Published. the newschool year will have just begun. Numerous Students will be retundngto school, som of them are newcomers, others old customers, all withsome kind of longing for reghning of the lost soul or self so to speak.The classes start on Sepember 25, the first day of the intercalary monthof August of the lunar year. Recently, there has been a lot of talk and rumors about a communist invasion and the consequent catastrophes.President Lee's visit to the USA has caused some tensions across theTaiwan strait. The bilateral consultation bebeen Taiwan and mainland China has also been suspended for the moment. But for how long? Will the 21 million Chinese in Taiwan not be allowed to talk with the l.2 billion Chinese on mainland China forever?
The eigh articles of the present issue are divided into four sections: Scripture, Dogmatic, Spirituality, and Pastoral; each section has two items. The two anicles on the Scripture are contributions from our faculty. Mrs. Theresa Wong wroe about the literary and theological figures in the Epistle to Ephesians. The literare form of Ephesians differentiates itself not only from the other writings of the NT in terms of vocabulary and expression, but also from the whole corpus paulinum.Furthermore, the theology of this epistle also show unique characteristics in eschatology, ecclesiology, and Christology.
Fr. Jesús muñoz's article, ''Laity in the Holy Scripture," was a talkgiven to a group of Christians five years ago. Now he has arranged it for Publication at this suitable time. What does laity mean? It can bedescribed negaively or positively, or from parts to the whole. Within the OT, the people of God were elected, consecrated, and given ministries of priest, prophat, and king. The auhor points out changs found in the NT: Jesus is not anointed a king, though people occasionally call him a prophet, he prefers to call himself a teacher, he is never a priest. Only much later in the NT communities was Jesus confessed as king, prophet,and even priest. Finally, the practical situation of laity is examined throughout the Acts where the whole community of believers, lay and clergy, is found dedicating itself to evangelization. Five local churches are outstanding models:  Jerusalem, Antioch, Corinth, Ephesus, and Rome.
The last part of the article of Fr. Aloysius B. Chang on “Ecclesiology of the NT” examines the Canonical Letters, the writings of John and the Apocalypse. The discussion of St. John's Ecclesiology is outstanding.Staling with the statement of R. Bultmann that there is no ecclesiologyin St. John, the amhor scrutinizes diffrent positions of Protestants and Catholics reguding St. John on the questions of sacrament, feast, Peter's ministry, and Christian Union—all are important questions for the life of community or ecclesia.
The French Jesuit scholastic Belloit Vermander with his allicle"Concepts of Self and Selfless seen from the NT" tries to use theseconcepts from Buddhism and Taoism to explain the Gospel’s teaching on abneghion as well as Paul's notion of kenosis. The remaning articles discuss feminist theology and spirituality, Chinese intellectuals and conversion, and promotion to the Order of Diaconate among the Chinese-Americans for the service of their communities. The author of the lest two items, Fr. Bernard Chu, is founder and director of two Friendship Houses, one in Berkeley and the other in Los Angeles, which try to give a helping hand to Chinese intellectuals coming to the USA for studes.
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