I've been studying the differences between Catholics and Protestants for quite some time. And the following list is the most accurate description of their differences on this planet. .....
1. Catholics kneel in church; Protestants do not kneel because they have bad knees. 2. Catholics like to light as many candles as possible; Protestants are a bit more conscious of fire-safety. 3. Catholics attend church every Sunday; Protestants take off Sundays during the football season. 4. Catholic priests dress up in costumes; Protestant ministers are more fashion-sensitive. 5. Catholics promote chastity before marriage; Protestants promote the hush-hush policy on sex. 6. Catholics seek aid from the Saints; Protestants are stuck with each other. 7. Catholics are artistic innovators; Protestants are culinary experts. 8. Catholics receive Communion; Protestants are on a diet. 9. Catholics laugh at themselves; Protestants laugh at Catholics. 10. Catholics will go to heaven; Protestants will go to Disney World.
My dear friend, you really gave me a good laugh, May the good Lord bless you! In Jesus, Mary and Joseph