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2012-07-07 09:25:32 发表 |
内蒙乌海市乌达堂区建堂需要您的帮助——因为建堂的艰辛,神父操劳过度,辛劳成疾,心脏病犯了,去北京做了心脏搭桥手术,刚做完手术没几天,听说建堂资金链断了,心急如焚,连忙赶回来了,现在到处呼吁帮助,请您伸出手来共同建造我们的圣殿,因为盖圣殿不是神父一个人的事,是我们大家的圣殿。巴菲特投资圣经,我希望有更多人付出爱,投资圣经,因为圣经上说施予比领受更为有福。 |
本站网友 匿名 |
2012-06-15 14:33:58 发表 |
Bill Gates does not deserve a papal honour
From the political secretary of the Society for the Protection of Unborn Children SIR SPUC disagrees strongly with the suggestion by Mary Kenny that Bill Gates deserves a papal knighthood for his "philanthropy" (Comment, June 23).
The word "philanthropy" means "love of mankind". Mr Gates's idea of "philanthropy" includes giving billions of dollars to the world's leading promoters of abortion and population control: the International Planned Parenthood Federation (IPPF), the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) et al. There is no love of mankind in Mr Gates's bankrolling of the worldwide culture of death.
Mary Kenny writes: "Mr Gates's ambition comes pretty near to Christ's almost-impossible ideal of "sell all you have and give it to the poor". Mr Gates's ambition seems
rather to pay others to eliminate the poor, which is the most unChrist-like thing imaginable.
As Pope Paul VI told the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organisation in 1974: "It is inadmissible that those who have control of the wealth and resources of mankind should try to resolve the problem of hunger by forbidding the poor to be born."
Mary Kenny writes:-Bill Gates's mentor in his philanthropy would have been Andrew Carnegie." Mr Gates has actually said that his mentor in philanthropy was his own father, who was the head of Planned Parenthood, America's main abortion provider.
Mary Kenny's call for Mr Gates to be given a papal knighthood is nothing short of outrageous.
Yours faithfully, ANTHONY OZIMIC London SW1
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2012-06-15 14:28:27 发表 |
Bill Gates on Religion
Gates was interviewed November 1995 on PBS by David Frost. Below is the transcript with minor edits.
Frost: Do you believe in the Sermon on the Mount?
Gates: I don't. I'm not somebody who goes to church on a regular basis. The specific elements of Christianity are not something I'm a huge believer in. There's a lot of merit in the moral aspects of religion. I think it can have a very very positive impact.
Frost: I sometimes say to people, do you believe there is a god, or do you know there is a god? And, you'd say you don't know?
Gates: In terms of doing things I take a fairly scientific approach to why things happen and how they happen. I don't know if there's a god or not, but I think religious principles are quite valid.
本站网友 藏獒兄 |
2012-06-15 14:21:07 发表 |
哦?一直寻求这类明确信息,能否给个出处或者信息证据?当年盖茨看上美琳达不是在教会,是在办公室隔着窗子,偷过玻璃看到美女,就神不守舍,后来就求婚了。但是一直不知道盖茨是否在天主教会受洗。有的人认为他从前曾经是基督徒(可能是新教基督徒),后来不是了;有的人说他是不可知论者;还有的声张虚饰说他是“敌基督”(感觉是诋毁,不可信)。 |
本站网友 匿名 |
2012-06-14 11:03:06 发表 |
盖茨本身就是天主教徒 |
本站网友 藏獒兄 |
2012-06-13 21:03:22 发表 |
很多事实似乎表明,盖茨热衷从事慈善以及大量捐款,与他的妻子--天主教徒梅林达的影响有关。 |