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【摘要】 教会女子大学对中国现代女子高等教育的发展产生了重要影响。长期以来,国内对教会女子大学的研究大都以教会学校校史资料的挖掘整理为主,较少从社会变迁的视角来探讨教会女子大学发展变化的内在原因,进而深入分析其在中国社会尤其是中国女子高等教育发展中的地位和贡献。笔者选取教会女子大学的代表学校——金陵女子大学作为研究对象,重点考察其在中国社会变迁中的历史演变,以剖析教会女子大学在中国女子高等教育史上的角色、意义和影响。清末,在创办教会教育的过程中,传教士也把具有近代西方女子教育背景的教会女学带入中国。教会女学的植入,冲击了几千年的中国传统女子教育,萌发了国人自办新女学的尝试。随着教会女学和国人自办女学的深入发展,传教士们又创办教会女子大学,首次在中国开辟了现代女子高等教育。1915年9月,继华北协和女子大学和福州华南女子文理学院之后,金陵女子大学在南京正式宣告成立。教会女子大学的创办,客观上再一次提升了中国女子接受教育的层次和水平。自20世纪20年代后,和其他教会大学一样,教会女子大学经历了中国化和世俗化过程。在此之前,教会女学和所有教会学校一样,是一个完全独立于中国本土教育体系的组织系统:学校完全由外国人创办和管理,并制定出外国教会从其利益和目的出发的教育目标,其招生、教学、就业等都具有明显的“外国”色彩。中国社会针对教会教育的民族主义运动迅速高涨,推动了教会学校的中国化进程。民族主义运动的风起云涌也使中国政府加强了对教会学校的注册管理。自二十年代末开始,各教会大学先后向政府注册,并于三四十年代在办学方针和教学内容上也日益具有中国特征。在这一背景下,金陵女大也逐步走向中国化。具体表现在两个方面:一是由中国人充当校长人选、学校行政管理层甚至教职工构成等由中国人占据多数;二是在办学目标上与中国社会要求和政府期待的高度对接。然而作为一所外国教会创办、并且在办学经费上严重依赖国外捐款的女子大学,金陵女大的中国化又是有局限性的。与教会大学中国化同时的是其世俗化进程。中国高等教育的竞争发展是教会大学世俗化的内在动力,而中国社会和政府对教会大学世俗化的要求则发挥了更为显著的推动作用。教会大学的世俗化进程促进了其教学和科研水平的提高,有利于学术和专业人才的培养。在世俗化潮流中,金陵女大调整了其专业和课程设置,对其教学进行了较为严格的要求和管理,培养了一批现代女性知识人才,这是其对中国现代女子高等教育最为显著的贡献。当然,在顺应世俗化潮流的同时,金陵女大为维护学校的基督教性质也努力推行宗教教育。值得一提的是,自二十世纪二十年代开始,中国各大学先后招收女生,使女性接受高等教育的机会大大增加。但这也给教会女子大学带来了竞争压力。出于生存发展的需要,教会女大充分整合、挖掘自身既有资源和优势,形成了自己的办学特色,力图在女子高等教育竞争中站稳脚跟。大陆解放后,金陵女大和其他教会大学一道,接受新政权对于大学教育的统一规范和要求,并努力进行调适和顺应,力图继续办学。1951年前后,绝大多数教会大学先后经历合并和调整,改为公立大学。20年代民族主义浪潮和来自中国政府、社会的其他挑战和冲击,不仅没有严重损伤教会大学的元气,反而促进了教会大学的自我调适与革新,使教会女大自身得以进一步维持和发展,同时也由此推动了教会女大作为中国现代女子高等教育的重要一员,做出独特贡献。教会女大的消亡并不能证明其教育上的必然失败。在顺应中国社会变迁的过程中,教会女大的社会角色也经历了两重变动:从外来的文化输出者角色到身兼外来文化输出者和本土文化服务者角色;从“传教士”角色到兼具和凸显“教育家”的角色。角色的变动决定了其影响的复杂性,一方面,教会女子大学为中国社会培养了一大批现代知识女性,推动了中国女子高等教育的现代化进程;另一方面,教会女子大学的存在和发展,又壮大和延伸了中国教会在中国妇女界的影响。 【Abstract】 The church female university have made an very important impact on the development of chinese modern women's higher education.Since a ling time ago,the domestic study about church female university majors in digging and systemizing the history of christian shcoll,but scholars pay little attention to disguss the internal reason about the church female university's development and change,moreover,analyse it's status and contribution in the china society,especially in the chinese woman's higer education from the view of social change.So author choses Jinling Women's Unieversity for example to analyze it's influence and significance in the Chinese women's higher eduacation by way of exploring its historical evolution.In the end era of Qing dynasty,missionaries bring in the christian school for woman with modern western educational features.It impacts on the Chinese traditional female education which has a history of thousands of years and inspires the chinese to build new women's school.With the development of the women's education in China,missionary try to build christian university for women in china,which starts the period of modern women's higher education in China.After the establishment of North China Union college for women and Hua'nan women's college,Jinling Women's University is formally set up in 1915.The establishment of christian university for women upgrades the level of chinese women's education objectively.Since the 1920s,church female university have experienced the process of sinicization and secularization as well as the other christian university.At first,christian university is a new educational organization which is completely different from the China's native education system.Christian university is estabilshed and managed by the foreigner,so it's policies,such as admission、studying and employment,must be followed by the foreign church's benefit and educational objective.Because of the high nationalist movement,Chinese society promotes the process of sinicization of christian school,and the chinese government enhances the christian school's registration.Since the 1920s,all the christian universities start to register with the government,and change it's management to become more and more cinicization.In this context,Jinling Women's University is also begin its reform of sinicization.Speciffically manifested in two aspects,On the one hand Jinling Women's Univeristy decide that the chinese whoever acts as the president,school administrators or even staff occupy the majority of faculty members,on the other hand Jinling Women's University change it's philosophy and goal to meet the requirements of chinese society and the expect of the government.But Jinling Women's University which is founded by the foreign church and heavily depends on the foreign contributions inevitably exists limitations in its sinicization. Simultaneously,the christian university is also experiencing the process of secularization.The competitiveness of chinese higher education is the inherent power,besides,chinese society and government also play a very important role in its secular reform.Christian unveristy's secularization rises its level of teaching and research and provides a better academic atmosphere for the talent.Under the trend of secular reform,Jinling Women's University adjusts its major and couse to meet the current need and stricts its teachering management.Consequently,Jinling Women's University cultivates a group of modern intellectual women,which is its most significant contribution to the Chinese modern female higher education.Of course,Jinling Women's Univeristy also makes a great deal of efforts to promote religious education in the mean time.Since the 1920s,Chinese university starts to enroll girls.Although it provide more higher studying chances for women,it also makes the church female university come across more competitions.In order to survive and develop,church female university fully dig their resouces and advantages to form their own educational characteristics and get a firm foothold in higher education.After the liberation of the mainland,Jinling Women's University,together with other christian university,accepts and harmonises the new norms and requirements which the new regime ask the college to follow and try to continue their school.Around 1951,the most Christian universities become pubilc universities after amalgamation and adjustment.The 1920s nationalism tide and other challenges and impacts come from the Chinese' government and society not only did not hurt the christian university's vitality seriously,instead they promoted the christian university's self-adjustment and innovation,simultaneously it impelled the church female university to become an important element of the modern Chinese female higher education and made great unique contribution.The church female university's fading away did not suggest its inevitable failure on education.In complied with the process of the Chinese vicissitude,the social role of the church female university has also experienced a double change:one is that christian university becomes a external and native culture server who acts as the role of the external culture exporter at first,;the other is that it become an educationist who acts as the role of missionary at first.The role's change has decided its influences complexity:on the one hand,the church female university has nurtured a large quantity of modern female intelligentsia for Chinese society and impelled the modernization of China's female higher education;on the other hand,the existence and development of the church female university has expanded and extended the influence of the Chinese church in China's women's society. |