嘉庆时期承袭了乾隆朝对待天主教的态度,但也表现出自己的特点。其中教案频发即是其中之一。这一时期天主教在华传教形势有所变化。传教士并没有被彻底驱逐。传教士在北京仍有较大活动自由。由于嘉庆皇帝对天主教认识的转变以及白莲教起义的影响,终于在嘉庆十年,以德天赐教案为引火线,爆发了一系列教案。随后终嘉庆一朝,教案基本没有断绝过。教案的爆发说明了天主教在华不但没有销声匿迹,反而是暗中汹涌,同时也体现了天主教在华传播的发展趋势。The emperor of Jiaqing and the central government of Qing dynasty continued the policy of Catholicism which was carry out in the reign of Qianlong. But Jiaqing's police was not the exact same as Qianlong's.It had its own characteristics. One of these characteristics was the high frequency of persecution to the Catholicism. The chagement of Jiaqing's attitude , the influence of the revolt of Bailianjiao and Detianci Persecution arise series of persecution during the reign of Jiaqing. These persecution showed...