基督教对自由宪政的贡献 【论文学科】法律论文【论文级别】硕士论文,硕士毕业论文,硕士研究生论文【中文关键词】基督教论文; 宪政论文; 个人自由论文【中文题名】基督教对自由宪政的贡献【英文题名】【所属分类】社会科学I,宪法,国家法、宪法【英文关键词】Christianity; constitutionalism ; liberalism 【中文摘要】为什么现代资本主义宪政制度和法治的模式诞生于西方?马克思.韦伯和昂格尔都不约而同的谈到了基督教是宪政制度和法治模式的文化土壤。基督教不是一种政治学说,而是一种救世说。政治问题只是作为信仰的边缘问题被提到。但是基督教却是一种全新的价值观念,它使西方人以全新的眼光看待个人和世俗国家。正是这种“天堂和尘世”的二元思维彻底改变了西方人的政治生活,孕育出资本主义宪政制度。本文从四个方面来论述基督教对自由宪政的贡献。 第一章从分析基督教传入欧洲成为主流宗教信仰前,古希腊、罗马的公民观念入手,探讨当时的民主政治观与基督教宪政观的区别。其本质区别就在于当时的政治共同体不存在“公域”与“私域”的严格区分。古希腊公民完全融入城邦。参与城邦政治和公共管理是最高的人生价值追求。当时的公民权利主要是一种参与政治生活的资格。罗马人首次在个人和国家之间划出界限。但当时的公民资格概念也是一种道德理念,反映人们对公共(来源:ABC76论文c6网 www.abclunwen.com)安全和公共事务的关怀。公民个人和帝国的安危相比算不上什么。在古希腊和罗马,宗教信仰和政治生活紧密相联。宗教不是个人的私事。古希腊和罗马的神也不是个人的神,而是家族、部落、国家的神。 第二章论述了基督教如何将个人从社会和国家的无限权力下解放出来。基督教提升人的尊严是通过把人“一分为二”来实现的。基督教信仰区分了人的灵魂与肉体,内在世界与外在世界,精神生活和世俗生活,天堂幸福与世俗幸福。通过把前者从后者中剥离出来与上帝建立直接联系,从而赋予人的精神生命以某种高于世俗秩序的神圣意义和独立价值。我们今天讲的宪法权利就是一种个人的权利,是个人对抗国家干预的权利。这种宪法权利带有强烈的超验色彩。 第三章论述了基督教的“幽暗意识”是有限政府理念的价值基础。《圣经》是基督教信仰的根基。这一部分从分析《圣经》中对“世俗权利”的记载及神学家的阐释入手,论证了基督教从根本上改变了西方人对国家的态度。(来源:ABC论文04网www.abclunwen.com)基督教追求灵魂得救的超越主义价值观和对彼岸命运的信念,降低了国家和政治生活在人们价值体系中的地位。基督徒把世俗国家看成是朝圣旅途上的客栈,是黑暗、短暂、充(来源:ABCfc2f 论文网www.abclunwen.com) 【英文摘要】The article examines why the modern constitutionalism was born in west Concerning this question, both Max Weber and Unger said there was a special relationship between constitutionalism and protestant culture. Christianity is not a political theory, but a salvation theory. However Christianity is an anxiology. Christianity changed the relationship between the people and the state. The article argues that Christianity contributes to the modern constitutionalism in two aspects. On the one side, it changed people's mind, upgraded people's dignity, unbinded individual from governmental power. On the other side, it formed a powerful church system which contended with the government The struggle between them contributes the concept of " limited government".The article has four parts. In Chapter One, the article argues that the citizenship in ancient Greece and Rome, before Christianity entered Europe and become arterial religion, differs absolutely from modern citizenship. The essential difference is there was no division between "the private domain" and "the public domain". In ancient Greece, the citizens dissolved in community completely. To the citizens at that time, participating in government and political affairs was the highest life pursuit. Citizenship then mainly was a qualification of taking part in political affairs. Roman first in history, limited "the private domain" and "the public domain". But the citizenship then also was a moral concept, reflecting people's solicitude for public safety and affairs. Individual's value was rather lower than community's interest In ancient Greece and Rome, religion mixed with political affairs fully. Religion was not a personal affair. God was rather a community's God than an individual's God. In Chapter Two, the article argues that Christianity brings individual's liberation from powerful social and governmental power. Christianity enhanced value and dignity of human by advocating dualistic character of human. We know now individual right which resisting state's invasion is the cornerstone of liberalism and constitutional right. And this kind of right is natural right which has transcending orientation. 内容摘要 6-8 ABSTRACT 8-10 引言 10 第一章 古希腊、罗马的公民观念 10-16 一 古希腊的公民观念 10-13 二 古罗马的公民观念 13-16 第二章 基督教带来个人精神上的解放 16-23 一 宪法权利的超验性之维 16-19 二 关于人的新观念 19-23 1 人及人生活的二元解析 19-20 2 人的精神世界具有独立的至高无上的价值 20-23 第三章 基督教与有限政府的理念 23-35 一 圣经中关于“王权”的记载及神学家的阐释 23-27 1 关于“王权”的起源 23-24 2 关于“王权”的来源和国王 24-26 3 关于“王权”的行使 26-27 二 早期基督徒对国家的态度 27-30 三 有限政府的理念与基督教信仰 30-35 1 对政府的不信任 30-31 2 分权制衡的理论 31-33 3 国家工具主义 33-35 第四章 政教二元化权力体系及其影响 35-45 一 基督教的二元政治观 35-38 二 政教二元化权利体系 38-40 三 政教二元化权利体系与个人自由 40-43 四 政教二元化权利体系与法治理念 43-45 结束语 45-46 参考文献 46-48 致谢 48-49 学位论文评阅及答辩情况表 49