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图书名称: 中国禅茶文化的渊源与流变
整理时间: 2011-08-07
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Origins and Evolvements of Chinese Zen-Tea Culture
论文导师 吴言生,论文学位 硕士,论文专业 宗教学
论文单位 陕西师范大学,点击次数 106,论文页数 72页File Size4585K
2007-04-01论文网 http://www.lw23.com/lunwen_31356632/
Zen-Tea Culture;Zen-Tea History;Reasons for Integration; Characteristics of Zen-Tea Culture
“茶禅一味”的禅茶文化,是我国传统文化史上的一种独特现象,也是我国对世界文明的一大贡献。茶与禅本是两种文化,在其各自漫长的历史发展中发生接触并逐渐相互渗入、相互影响,最终融合成一种新的文化形式,即禅茶文化。本文从茶、禅文化结合的历史进程入手,通过文献学的梳理和相关材料的分析,揭示茶禅两种文化由各自独立而逐步融合的过程,在此基础上,探索二者在日常生活、开悟方式及修行理念等不同层面相融合的内在原因,从而揭示禅茶文化的精神特性和“茶禅一味”的文化内涵。 论文内容共分为五部分: 首先,绪论部分对本课题的国内外研究状况进行了简单回顾,认为虽不乏禅茶文化的研究,但在广度和深度方面仍有继续探讨的空间。 第一章,是对茶、禅两种文化各自发展脉络的简单介绍。茶原产于我国,并经历了一个由药用到食用、饮用的过程,从魏晋南北朝开始,逐渐走入文人的文化视野,渐渐由物质而文化,演至唐代,形成了独立的茶文化,并在宋代臻于鼎盛。佛教于汉代由印度传入我国,禅坐本是佛教徒通用的修行方式之一,随着佛教中国化的完成,以禅立宗的禅宗在唐代形成,也于宋代发展到高峰。禅茶文化于禅、茶都较为兴盛的唐代最终形成,于宋代臻于完善和鼎盛。 第二章,禅、茶结合的历史追溯,以文献的整理为主。分为五个部分:第一,茶禅的最初结合——坐禅饮茶;第二,茶叶走入佛门——僧人种茶;第三,禅门茶事——以茶供佛;第四,禅门茶道的外化——禅门茶礼;第五,禅、茶的最终融合——以茶参禅。追溯茶与禅结合的历史进程,从中可以看出,茶与禅的结合是由外而内、由表及里、逐层深入的。魏晋至隋,茶禅的结合主要体现在日用层面,即僧人坐禅饮茶、客来敬茶、种茶制茶;随着中唐《百丈清规》的制定,以茶供佛、点茶礼仪成为寺院制度、丛林清规,茶禅的结合初步上升到文化层面;晚唐赵州禅师三称“吃茶去”将茶引入禅宗开悟的宗教层面,“茶禅一味”的禅茶文化最终形成。 第三章,禅茶文化的形成原因。茶与禅两种文化能够融合为一种文化,其原因是多方面的。主要有四点:第一,茶有药用功能,在医学不发达的古代,很多僧人用茶来治病、养生、保健,并且茶有帮助消化、却睡除倦、抑制性欲的作用,是僧人坐禅清修的最佳伴侣。第二,农禅制度,将寺院僧人参加劳动作为制度固定下来,为禅茶文化的发展提供了有力的物质基础和制度保障。第三,禅宗大师三称“吃茶去”,揭示了禅茶与禅宗开悟相通之处,这是禅与茶能够密切结合并成为一种新文化的更为内在、深刻的原因。第四,禅茶与禅宗“平常心是道”宗教理念的相通,使茶与禅合而为一,禅味茶味,在自然、平常的生活日用中融为一味。 第四章,禅茶文化的精神特性和影响。和,是我国传统文化的思想精髓;雅,是茶文化的固有特点;清,是茶与禅共有之精神;寂,是宗教修行境界之所在。我国的禅茶文化随着佛教禅宗一起传入了日本,在其影响下形成的日本茶道,至今仍闻名世界。
As a particular phenomenon in the history of Chinese traditional culture, Zen-Tea Culture is characteristic of tasting zen in tea, which makes a great contribution to the global culture. Originally, tea and zen are two different cultures; they evolve into a new culture--Zen-Tea Culture gradually via interaction and interrelation in their own lengthy development history. This essay starts with historical integration process of tea culture and Zen culture, and aims at explaining the process from independence to integration of tea culture and Zen culture through philology and relevant material. On this foundation, the author searches their intemal and profound integration reasons in the field of daily life, self-realization methods and religious ideas and so on, and then explores spirit characteristics and cultural connotation of Zen-Tea Culture. The essay is consisted of five parts. Firstly, the introduction has carded on the simple review to both domestic and foreign research present situation. Although there are many research works on Zen-Tea Culture, it is nessesary to go on researching. First chapters: A Brief Introduction to the Development of Tea Culture and Zen Culture. Originally produced in China and experienced a course from officinal to edible and drinkable, tea wins the favor of literators in the Wei Dynasty, Jin Dynasty, and Southern & Northern Dynasty, evolves into independent Tea Culture in Tang Dynasty, and enters its most prosperous ear in Song Dynasty. Buddhism comes into China via India in Han Dynasty. Buddhists cultivate themselves by za-zen. With the sinicization of Buddhism, Zen Buddhism whose tenet is zen comes into being in Tang Dynasty, and also to a head in Song Dynasty. Zen-Tea Culture becomes formed in Tang Dynasty when both Zen and Tea are popular, and is brought to perfection in Song Dynasty. Second chapters: Trace back integration history of Zen-Tea, and focus on the literature. There are five parts. Firstly, The Buddhist monks begin drinking tea in large quantity in order to attain a better meditation on Buddhism; Secondly, The Buddhist monks plant tea; Thirdly, The Buddhist monks sacrifice Buddhas with tea; Fourthly, The Buddhist monks introduce religious tinge and Buddhist meditation into the tea culture; Fifthly, A unique phenomenon in the history of Chinese culture comes forth, that is an integration of tea and Zen. Traced the integration process of tea culture and Zen culture, we may see, that goes deeper and deeper, from outside to the inside. The integration of tea and zen mainly manifests in daily usage: Buddhist monks taste tea when sitting in meditation, serve the guests a wonderful tea and plant tea from Wei Dynasty, Jin Dynasty to Sui Dynasty. With the establishment of Baizhang Ordinance in intermediate stage of Tang Dynasty, the integration of tea and Zen leads into the field of culture: sacrificing Buddhas with tea and other protocols have become a part of temple system. The zen case of Monk Zhaozhou in late Tang Dynasty inducts the tea into the Zen Buddhism whose characteristic is self-realization, which shows that Zen-Tea Culture characteristic of tasting Zen in tea finally formed. Third chapters: The reasons for the formation of Zen-Tea Culture. The reasons are various and the mainly ones are as following. Firstly, tea is of officinal function that could preserve one"s health. Buddhist monks taste tea in order to control their body and feelings when sitting in meditation. Secondly, the regulation that Buddhist monks participate in cultivation has provided the powerful material base and safeguard for Zen-Tea Culture. Thirdly, we can find their common ground by analyzing the zen case of Monk Zhaozhou, which indicates the intrinsic, profound reason for formation of Zen-Tea Culture. Fourthly, tea and Zen Buddhism have interchanges in some religious ideas which help tea and zen integrate in daily life. Fourth chapters: Characteristics and influence of Zen-Tea Culture. Moderateness is the soul of our traditional culture; Elegance is the connatural trait of tea culture; Austerity is the mutual spirit of Zen-Tea; Concentration of extreme subtleties of meaning into the simplest of actions is what all Buddhists pursue. Our Zen-Tea Culture spreads to Japan together along with Zen Buddhism, and under their influence, the world-famous tea ceremony of Japan comes into beings.

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