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基督宗教自17世纪进入印度和中国后,都在这两个国家扎根发芽,同时教会都把教育作为在这两个国家宣传福音、扩大基督宗教影响的重要手段。 随着传教活动的深入,西方教会在印度和中国都把开设基督教大学作为传教的一种手段。基督教大学在两国的发展经历了四个时期。第一个时期是萌芽期,这段时间也是印度和中国的现代高等教育体系开始萌芽乃至成型的时期。印度的基督教大学在这一时期的特点是起步早、数量多、为近代高等教育体系的形成起了指路的作用,因此自己也从一开始就被纳入高等教育的体系之中。印度的基督教大学从一开始就面向各个种姓,走开放型办学的道路,目的更注重为社会培养合格的人才。而早期的中国基督教大学无论在规模、程度、学生数量上来看还处于起步阶段,社会影响较小,且处于中国的教育体制之外。在目的上也更注重培养本国的神职人员,所以被传统社会所排斥。第二个阶段是成型期。在这一时期,印度和中国的基督教大学在数量和质量上都有所发展,教会学校的框架渐渐成型。与此同时,印度和中国的现代高等教育体制也已经成型。印度的基督教学院在数量以及占整个国家大学的比例都不如萌芽期,仍然走开放型办学的道路。而中国的基督教大学却抓住清末民初教育改革的机会有了很大的发展,无论数量、质量和内在结构都有了很大的提高,是一个发展较快的时期。第三个时期是发展期,这个时期两国的基督教大学除了数量增加外,原有的基督教大学在规模、质量上得到了进一步发展。基督教大学中有许多是全国著名的高等学府。在印度的基督教学院中,天主教会所办的学院十分引人注目,而中国的基督教大学仍然以美国的影响为主。第四个时期是成熟和转型期。在这个时期,两国的高等教育体制最终成熟并定型,但基督教大学的发展却出现截然不同的命运。印度的基督教学院继续成长,但在整个高等教育体制中的比例越来越下降。中国的基督教大学则因为50年代初的院系调整而被并入其他院校中。印度由于国内自主教会的增加和办学热潮的兴起,基督教学院的数量和规模都大大增加。而中国的基督教大学经历调整后数量大大减少,与印度已经无法相比。 基督宗教对印度社会的意义是:印度社会从封闭走向开放、民主机构的建立、印度教的改革,都曾受到基督宗教的一定影响。在中国,基督教大学对中国现代教育体制的发展起到了不可忽视的借鉴和促进作用,为中国现代高等教育体制的创立奠定了基础。 基督教大学对两国高等教育的影响之比较,共性是:都对本国近代高等教育体制的建立和发展做出了重要的贡献,都重视女子高等教育,都经历了世俗化的过程。但是,两国受到的影响是不完全一致的,表现在:印度的基督教大学在绝对数量上超过中国,在规模上也超过中国。印度的基督教大学从办学之处就走开放型办学的道路,注重为整个社会培养人才,因此对印度的教育乃至社会产生了深刻而重要的影响。而中国的基督教大学一开始的目的是培养教牧人才,独立于中国的高等教育体制之外,直到面临世俗化的冲击和中国政府要收回教育权才不得不改变自身。印度和中国的基督教大学在两国高等教育体制的建立和发展方面都发挥了各自独特而重要的作用,为社会培养了大批优秀的人才,并受到了高等教育和社会的反作用力和冲击。随着社会和高等教育的发展,两国的基督教大学还将进一步对自身进行调整,以期适应时代的需要并做出更大的贡献。 Christianity has both taken root in India and China since it was spread to these two countries in the 17th century. Meanwhile, the missionary regarded education as an important means in terms of disseminating the gospel as well as enhancing the impact of Christianity. With the intensification of the missionary activities, the western churches considered the establishment of Christian colleges as a method of missionary work. The development of Christian colleges in both countries has undergone four periods. The first period, the rudimentary stage, saw the seed and shaping of both the Christian colleges and the modern higher education system in India and China. The Christian colleges in India in this period featured early starting, large quantity, which played a guiding role in terms of the formation of the modern higher education system. Therefore, these colleges have been included in the system right from the beginning. The Christian colleges in India was opened for students from all the castes in the beginning, i.e. they followed the open way of running colleges with an aim at training qualified talents for the whole society. The Christian colleges in China in this period were also at the starting stage in terms of scale, level, and the number of students. In addition, their impact on the society was rather small and was excluded from the education system in China at that time. They laid more emphasis on training the local clergy, thus they were repulsed by the traditional society. During the second period, the shaping stage saw the development of Christian colleges both in India and China in quantity and quality when the framework of Christian colleges was taking shape. Meanwhile, the modern higher education system in India and China was also taking form. In terms of the quantity as well as the proportion of Christian colleges in India in the universities of the whole country was less that those of the rudimentary period and they still followed the open way of running colleges. Whereas in China, the Christian colleges achieved considerable development since they had grasped the opportunity of education reform at the end of the Qing Dynasty and the beginning of the Republic of China. There were considerable upgradation in the quantity, quality and inner structure of the Christian colleges. It was a period of rapid development. The third period, the developing stage, witnessed the increase in the number of Christian colleges as well as the further development in terms of scale and quality. Many Christian colleges were well-known higher education institutions. The colleges set up by Catholic church attracted people’s attention in India while in China, the Christian colleges were mainly under the influence of the United States. The fourth period, the mature and transforming stage underwent the final maturity of the higher education system in both countries. However, the development of Christian colleges in the two countries showed different fates. In India, despite the further development of Christian colleges, its proportion in the whole higher education system was declining. In China, all the Christian colleges were incorporated into other colleges and universities in the early 1950s. Due to the increase in the number of autonomous churches as well as the trend of establishing colleges, the number and scale of Christian colleges has increased a lot in India while the number of Christian colleges in China has been reduced due to the adjustment and is not on a par with those in India. Christianity’s impact on the Indian society lies in the fact that Christianity has influenced the society in the course of opening up, the establishment of democratic institutions, and the reform of Hinduism. In China, Christian colleges have played an important role in the development of modern higher education system since they provided the system with useful experience and enhancement. In terms of the comparison of missionary college’s impact on the higher education system in India and China, the similarity lies in that Christian colleges have made significant contributions to the establishment and development of the modern higher education system; they have laid emphasis on women’s higher education and have undergone the process of secularization. However, there are some differences, i.e. India has much more Christian colleges than China whose scale is also larger than China. In addition, the Christian colleges in India has adopted the open way of running schools right from the beginning, paying attention to the training of talents for the whole society, thus they have a profound and significant impact on the education and society. The Christian colleges in China aimed at training the local clergy at the beginning and they were of the higher education system until they were forced to change themselves due to the shock of secularization as well as to the fact that the Chinese government would take back the education right. The Christian colleges in both countries have played their own unique and important role in the establishment and development of the higher education system and have trained many superior talents for the society. Meanwhile, they have also been influenced by the counter-force and shock of the higher education system as well as of the society. With the development of the society and the higher education system, the Christian colleges in both countries will make further adjustment to themselves with a view to adapting themselves to the need of the time and making more contributions. |