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图书名称: 试论政教关系与我国宗教组织经济管理模式
整理时间: 2011-03-05
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图书简介: 政教关系存在于每一个国家,但世界各国由于历史和社会的不同,政教关系及其表现形式在各国各个时期也有所不同。除了在少数政教合一的国家,总的来说,在当代大多数国家,宗教与政府分属两个不同的境域,宗教相对于政府拥有不同程度的独立性,公民享有信仰和实践宗教信仰的自由。但是,国家政府对宗教事务的介入又是不可避免的。双方共存于一个多元化社会中,双方在一定程度上介入对方事务是难以避免的,特别是宗教教职人员、信教群众既是某一宗教的信仰者,又是世俗国家的公民,这一天然的双重身份必然使得宗教信仰和实践会与世俗法律和国家利益发生关系乃至冲突。政府作为社会的管理者,在行使自己的社会管理职能,包括经济管理职能时,如何抉择对待宗教组织的政策,与该国奉行的宗教与政治关系模式休戚相关。宗教在现代化浪潮中,不仅没有衰微,反而成为当今世界的突出问题之一,是一种在世界各个民族、各个国家普遍存在的社会历史文化现象。我国是一个多种宗教共同存在的国家,佛教、道教、伊斯兰教、天主教和基督教五种主要宗教有着悠久的历史和相当数量的信教群众。新中国成立以来,中国共产党和政府一向认为,正确处理好宗教问题,对国家的社会稳定、民族团结、祖国统一和社会主义现代化建设都有十分重要的意义。尊重和保护宗教信仰自由,是党和政府对待、处理宗教问题的一项基本的、长期的政策。面对宗教这一复杂的社会现象,在对宗教事务实施的管理中,需要把正确的行之有效的政策通过法律、法规的形式固定下来,成为全社会共同遵守的行为规范。宗教工作中也要建立和强化依法执政的理念。人民政府贯彻宗教政策法规,保障各宗教的经济收益。宗教组织的经济管理,实际包含宗教团体、宗教活动场所对其所属财产的管理以及各级各类政府相关部门对宗教团体、宗教活动场所所属财产的管理。然而,特别是改革开放、逐步建立社会主义市场经济体制,我国国民经济快速增长,良好的社会经济环境进一步改善了各教经济状况。除自养外,各宗教还捐款资助灾区、聋哑学校、希望学校等。但是,由于种种原因,宗教管理部门对宗教组织的经济管理还有待进一步规范,因此,对宗教组织的经济管理模式的研究还有待逐步开展起来。本文通过对当前世界各国政教关系模式的比较,以及我国政教关系的实际、宗教组织经济管理模式的论述,希望对当前我国政府与宗教之间的关系,尤其是经济关系有大体上的厘清,并对今后我国的宗教管理工作有所帮助,增强宗教与社会主义社会的相适应性,使之成为构建和谐社会中重要的一环。 The religion-government relationship exists in every country. However, with various history and society, each country has its unique form of religion-government relationship in different times. Except for some theocracy country, the religion -government relationship belongs to different scopes, and the religion is comparatively independent to government. Citizens have the right to choose their belief. However, it’s unavoidable for the government to intervene religion affairs. Both sides coexist in a multiplex society, and it’s inevitable for them to intervene each other’s affairs. Those religion people are both believers and the governmental citizen also, and this natural dual status make religion and government relative even conflicting. The government is the social superintendent, both social and economic one. He would choose the policy towards religion according to the pattern which the government relates with the religion. In the modernized times, religion problem becomes more prominent instead of declining, and it has been a ubiquitous phenomenon all over the world. Our country involves many kinds of religions, such as Buddhism, Taoism, Islamism, Catholicism and the Christianity. All these five religions have glorious history and the considerable amount of worshippers. The Chinese Communist and the government regard healthy religion-government relationship very important to social steady, national comity, national unity and socialist construction. Respecting and protecting freedom of religious belief is the basic and long-term policy of the Party and the government. Facing the religion, a complicated social phenomenon, during the management on religious affairs, the government needs to work out stable laws and policies for the all society to stand by. Moreover, the governance should be in law-based manner, which includes carrying out religious policy and ensuring economic income of religious organizations. Religion-organizations’ economic management includes two aspects: the religious organizations’ management on their belongings and the government’s management on the belongings of religious organizations. With the reform and opening policy, our country’s economy develops rapidly, which also motivates the income activity of religious organizations. Besides self-support, these organizations donate to disaster area, deaf-mute school, and hope school and so on. However, the governance on religious organizations needs to be more standardized, and the study of religious organization’s economic management pattern also waits to develop. This article compares different patterns of religion-government relationship among different countries, and also discusses the religion-government relationship and religious organization’s economic management in our country. Hope the article could figure out the relationship between our government and the religion, especially the economic relationship between them. May the article could do help for religion management, which could make the society more harmonious. 目 录 声明内容摘要英文摘要导论 1、选题的提出和现实意义 2、学术背景和文献综述 3、研究方法和本文结构 4、主要研究和不足之处 第一章政教关系的内涵及主要类型 1、政教关系的定义 2、政教合一国家的政教关系 3、政教分离国家的政教关系 第二章我国政教关系及宗教管理组织结构 1、我国政教关系的历史沿革和现行特征 2、我国现行的宗教管理体制及管理网络 3、我国现行政教关系下的各方关注点 第三章我国的宗教组织及其经济管理模式 1、我国宗教组织的界定及类型、基本职能 2、我国宗教经济的形成与主要模式 3、我国主要宗教组织经济管理模式及存在问题 第四章我国政教关系与经济管理模式的协调 1、在现有法律体系的基础上,完善法制化管理 2、在保护宗教信仰的原则下,消除特殊化管理 3、在提高队伍素质的前提下,开展民主化管理 4、在稳定干部队伍的条件下,进行专业化管理 结束语参考文献后记
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