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图书名称: 论儒家伦理的仁爱思想与基督教伦理的博爱思想
整理时间: 2022-04-29
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图书简介: 摘要:儒家伦理的“仁爱”思想和基督教伦理的“博爱”思想分别代表了东西方文明的思想精华,在人类文明发展的长河中发挥了巨大的历史作用。分析了两种思想产生的社会文化基础、现代意义,重点比较了两者的相同与差异之处。

关键词: 儒家伦理, 基督教伦理, 仁爱, 博爱

Abstract: The Confucian “benevolence” and the Christian “universal love” are the cores of Confucianism and the moral principles of Christianity, which have contributed a great deal respectively in the long history of the development of Eastern and Western civilizations. The difference of the two concepts is that the Confucius Benevolence means love for people according to their different social status with family, filial piety and fraternal duty as its basis, while the Christian universal love stresses an equal and unconditional love for others, even including one's enemies. These two ancient ideas are still of great significance today in modeling a new type of harmonious human relationship as well as in regulating the relationship between man and nature, man and society and his fellow beings.

Key words: confucian benevolence, christian universal love
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