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图书名称: 论新时期基督教文学之审美超越性
整理时间: 2022-04-29
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中文关键词:新时期基督教文学 ; 审美超越 ; 审美理想 ; 宗教精神 ; 终极人道主义
英文关键词:Christian literature in the new period ; Aesthetic transcendence ; Aesthetic ideal ; Religious spirit ; The ultimate humanitarian

At present, consumerism and individualism is popular; literature is tending to be kitschy and vulgar; writing about the human body is becoming fashionable. Under this situation, it is very significant to bring up, research and advocate Christian Literature in New Period. The writers who are writing the Christian Literature in the New Period start to integrate the spirit of salvation and aesthetic implications absorbed from the Christian culture with their creation, making the literature express their noble aesthetic ideal. By this way, the poetic expression of God is achieved and at the same time the core of spiritual belief is also showed. Torturing soul in the text and searching for the meaning of life and value of existence thoroughly reflects the profound religious spirit and humanitarian care, making literature become a true writing about the spirit and soul and expression of the ultimate humanitarian concern, which brings the aesthetic expression about Christian literature.
     Based on exploring the origins between the Christian culture and Chinese literature, this thesis mainly explores the conflict and integration of different cultures from outside by using the methods of social history. In the narration about the internal nature of culture, mainly based on the theory of Jung's collective unconsciousness, the thesis dates back to love and suffering complex in human deep consciousness to demonstrate that concept of love and sense of salvation of humanity's collective unconsciousness is the essence of cultural harmony. When exploring the relationship between the Religion and Literature, the thesis proves that religion can be a resource of literature creation, leading to the integrating point of Christian literature and Chinese literature. And the two great aesthetic transcendences generated by the combination are also discussed: one is the writers' aesthetic transcendence and the other is the texts' aesthetic transcendence. On discussing the transcendence of the writers, comparative analysis method is applied and the influence of Christian culture on writers. It is this influence that makes the writers have a very different aesthetic ideal that is different with the previous one. This ideal concern more deeply about the survival of mankind and it is the ultimate asking and exploring the soul and spirit. At the same time, that Christian writers differ from other writers on the exploitation of soul, combined with an aesthetic transcendence eventually brought by the merging of poem and God is also analyzed. When the strong aesthetic emotion of writers is integrated into the text, that Christian literary texts differ from general works in the language of expression, characters, themes and structure is then showed. the relative transcendence which is different from the text of a general writers' such works .
     By using the method which combines macro and micro, writers and works, text analysis and value judgments, the history and philosophy, the point and the face, the emotion and the logic, this thesis analyzes aesthetic transcendence of Christian literature in new period from a multi-angle and on a multi-level and explores the necessity of merging Christian culture into the present writing to objectively and completely reflect the value of such texts.
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