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图书名称: 明末来华传教士艾儒略研究
整理时间: 2022-05-13
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图书简介: 【作者】 孙玲;

【导师】 高海林;

【作者基本信息】 河南大学, 专门史, 2005, 硕士

【摘要】 本文主要研究明末来华传教士艾儒略(Julio Aleni,1582-1649 年)在华的活动情况。艾儒略,字思及,是意大利籍耶稣会传教士,1613 年来到中国,1649 年逝世于福建延平。他学识渊博,被誉为“西来孔子”、“福建教宗”,与利玛窦并称“利艾”、 “一代巨人”,对事业执著,一生致力于天主福音在中国尤其是福建地区的传播,对明末社会产生过重大影响,在明清中外文化交流史上是一位不容忽视的人物。 但是目前学术界对艾儒略的重视程度却与艾儒略在历史上的影响不相匹配。从笔者收集的国内外相关的研究成果来看,对于艾儒略的生平、传教经历、贡献等方面探讨的不够深入,也未能突出艾儒略在中外文化交流史上应有的地位。 因此,笔者认为,历史并没有给艾儒略应有的“待遇”。作为明末天主教的“福建教宗”,艾儒略所做的贡献丝毫不比利玛窦逊色,这才是更值得我们关注的地方。艾儒略对中西文化交流所做出的贡献,应该得到充分的肯定和赞扬,而他不遗余力地促进明末中西文化交流的精神,更是值得我们学习和发扬的。 本文正文包括七部分。第一部分概述艾儒略的传奇一生;第二部分介绍艾儒略在 1613 -1625 年之间的情况,重点论述他与中国传统文化的关系;第三部分介绍艾儒略在福建的传教活动,着重介绍他的传教功绩;第四部分介绍艾儒略在福建教案前后的情况;第五部分详细论述艾儒略在华传教的时代背景、成功与遗憾以及艾儒略对晚明社会产生的影响;第六部分详细分析论述艾儒略与利玛窦之间的同与不同,突出艾儒略在中外文化交流上的重要地位。最后一部分是小结。文章整体上以时间和空间的发展为线索。

【Abstract】 This paper is about the activities of Julio Aleni in China who was a boanerges and came to China in late Ming Dynasty. Julio Aleni came from Italy and his Chinese name was Ai rulue,or Ai siji. He had living China since 1613 until died in fujian 1649. His learning was deep and rich, so he was praised as "Confucius comes from the west ", "Fujian pope ", and called as " a generation of giants " with Matteo Ricci too. He devoted to Catholicism in China especially spread of the area of Fujian in all his life. His activities influenced the society in the end of Ming Dynasty deeply. He was a personage that can’t be ignored on the exchange history of Chinese and foreign culture of Ming and Qing Dynasties. But now, Attention of the academia to Aleni isn’t according with his influence in the history. By the looks of the relevant research results both at home and abroad that were collected by the writer, some discussions were not deep enough about Aleni such as his life , preaching, contribution ect. So fail to stress his due status in the history of Chinese and foreign cultural exchanges. As " Fujian pope " of Catholicism at end of Ming Dynasty, The contribution that Aleni did was not at all more inferior than Matteo Ricci. This is the place where deserve the close attention of us even more. His contribution made toward Chinese and Western cultural exchanges, should get abundant affirmation and commendation. His spirit for sparing no effort to promote the Chinese and Western cultural exchanges at end of Ming Dynasty is more worth our studying and developing. The text of the paper includes six parts. First part Sum up Aleni’S life, Second part Introduce his situation among 1613 years - 1625 years, The third part Introduce his preaching and moving about in Fujian, The fourth part Introduce his situation before and after the Religious case of Fujian. The fifth part describe in detail the era background that he preaches in China, his succeeds and regretting and his influence to late Ming society. The sixth part Ones that analyse the common and difference between Aleni and Matteo Ricci. The last part is a brief summary. The article regards the development of the time and space as the clue. 
【关键词】 艾儒略; 天主教; 耶稣会; 利玛窦;
【Key words】 Julio Aleni; Catholicism; party of Jesus; Matteo Ricci;
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