图书简介: |
【作者】 皇甫国芳;
【Author】 Huangfu Guofang;Xinzhou Teachers College,Wuzhai branch;
【机构】 忻州师范学院五寨分院;
【摘要】 马丁·海德格尔是德国的"诗人哲学家",作品和哲学思想博大精深,震撼着整个哲学界,至今还对现代社会的社会科学领域产生深远影响。其中,海德格尔的文艺美学思想是在其哲学观上建立起来的,在批判传统美学思想的同时,海德格尔提出文艺作品中主客体相统一的观点,充满着深厚的人文精神。
【Abstract】 Martin Heidegger is a poet and philosopher in Germany. His works and philosophy are broad and profound,which shocked the whole world,and it still has a profound influence on the social science field of modern society. Among these works,Heidegger’s thought of literary and artistic aesthetics was built up on his philosophical view. While criticizing the traditional aesthetic thought,Heidegger put forward a unified view of the subject and object in literary and artistic works which is full of deep humanistic spirit. |