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浅析《圣经》对美国政治文化形成的影响 |
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2011-04-01 |
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中文摘要: 本文着眼于美国殖民地早期,《圣经》对美国政治文化形成产生的深刻影响和形成过程所发挥的重要作用。可以说,《圣经》为美国的建国者们提供的一幅蓝图,这种植根于基督教思想并且在不断发展的政治文化深深影响着美国的政治行为。基督教思想在美国政治文化形成的过程中起着极其重要的作用。在一个以基督教(尤其是新教)思想立国的移民国家,美国人对其移民先祖信奉的宗教以及其圣典《圣经》怀有一种特殊的敬畏之情。殖民地时期,整个社会处于一个《圣经》崇拜的语境之中,这也为对美国文化各方面产生深刻的影响提供了先决条件。早期的建国者们也不可避免的将基督教中的某些思想应用到政治领域中,从而影响到美国的政治文化,这也是美国政治文化一个显著特点。因此,《圣经》不仅成为了美国精神信仰的支柱,更是政治文化的根基。宗教对政治文化的影响主要集中表现于两方面:一是宗教思想对政治文化的影响;另一方面是一些宗教组织直接或间接参与政治活动从而影响政治。本文侧重于前者,即分析基督教思想是如何渗透于美国的政治文化,及在美国政治文化形成期间所发挥的重要作用。本文结合当时的社会背景或典型事件来阐述来源于《圣经》中的两个理念对早期美国政治思想文化和政治制度文化两方面形成过程中所起的作用。那么这些源于《圣经》的理念是如何发展,演化成为能够影响到美国政治文化形成的重要思想的呢?本文将重点分析两个概念:“山巅之城”和“契约”思想。“山巅之城”这个概念对美国外交指导思想的起源、形成以及外交决策的制定有着巨大影响。“契约”思想是美国联邦制度建立的源泉,为美国一这个新生的国家提供了一个行之有效的政治制度。 Abstract: This thesis is intended to explore the Bible\'s profound influence on the formationof American political culture since the colonial times of the America.Although nowadays the Christianity, Judaism, Moslemism and many other sectscoexist in United States, founded by immigrant Christians the United States of Americahas always held a special sentimentality and even superstitious awe for the religion of itsforefathers and its Scripture, the Bible. It was natural for the nation founders to applysome important ideas of the Bible to political field. As a result, the Bible\' influencepermeated in American political culture from the beginning. Therefore, the Bible hasbeen the bedrock of American political culture. This unique historical condition servedas a prerequisite that the Bible was brought to bear on American political culture.This thesis confirms that the Holly Bible almost provided the United States with ablueprint during the formation of its political culture. Christianity, some key Christiannotions in particular, has been exerting persistent influence on the political actionsthroughout the history. Then, what influences have these notions been exercising onAmerican politics? And how did these Christian notions find their way into the politicalfield?The religious influence on politics mainly concentrates on two aspects; one is theinfluence of the religious ideas exercising on the development of American politics, theother is the religious groups\' direct or indirect participation in politics, through whichthey can influence the governmental decision-making. This is the deliberate pressure which religious activities posed on the operations of politics. The thesis mainly focuseson the former aspect. The analyses make it clear that the forefathers of the US put thereligious thoughts into practice naturally and spontaneously. The thesis mainlyelaborates on two aspects, one is how certain ideas of the Bible effected the principle ofAmerican foreign policy, and the other is how the ideas of the Bible exert an influenceon the adoption of American polity. The two aspects not only form the main contents ofAmerican culture but also embody the typical feature of American culture. Two keyChristian notions exerted major influence on the American political culture; one is thenotion of "A City upon the Hill", which gave the American people a sense of missionand then laid a foundational principle for American foreign policy; the other is thenotion of "Covenant", which inspired the Founding Fathers of America to pursue anideal polity for the newly born nation. 目录章节: 浅析《圣经》对美国政治文化形成的影响 Abstract(English) 5-6 Abstract(Chinese) 7-9 Acknowledgements 9-13 Chapter 1 Introduction 13-19 Chapter 2 "One Nation under God"—The Bibliolatrous Context in America 19-28 2.1The Significant Social Position of the Christianity 19-22 2.2. The Christian Root of U.S.A. 22-25 2.2.1 The Religious Reform in Europe 22-23 2.2.2 Protestant's Position in England 23-25 2.3 Christianity in American Colonies 25-26 2.3.1 The Christian Denominations in North America Colonies 25 2.3.2 The Special Function of Bible in North America Colonies 25-26 2.4 Summary 26-28 Chapter 3 "Chosen People" Building "A City upon the Hill" —The Headspring of U.S. Foreign Policy 28-43 3.1 The Notion of "A City upon the Hill" 28-35 3.1.1 The Notion of "Chosen People" 28-30 3.1.2. The Source of "A City upon the Hill" 30 3.1.3. "Chosen People" Setting Foot on the New World 30-32 3.1.4 The Development of the Biblical Notion—"A City upon the Hill" 32-35 3.2 Extension of the Notion— "A City upon the Hill" 35-41 3.2.1 A Sense of Mission 35-36 3.2.2 Manifest Destiny 36-41 3.2.3 The Dark Side 41 3.3 Summary 41-43 Chapter 4 The Notion of "Covenant"— Headstream of Federalism 43-60 4 .1 The Original Meaning of "Covenant" 43-50 4.1.1 Famous Covenants Mentioned in the Bible 44-45 4.1.2 The Biblical Notion Practiced in the New World 45-46 4.1.3. The Mayflower Compact 46-47 4.1.4 The Background of Signing the Mayflower Compact 47-48 4.1.5 Significance of the Mayflower Compact 48-50 4.2 The Federalism — Synonym of Covenant 50-53 4.2.1 The Original Meaning of "Federal" 50-51 4.2.2 The Precedents of Federalism 51-53 4.3 Federalism—the Quintessence of American Political Culture 53-58 4.3.1 The Background of the Selection of the US Polity 54-55 4.3.2 The Selection of the "Federalism" 55-57 4.3.3 The Signing of the Constitution 57-58 4.4 Summary 58-60 Chapter 5 Conclusion 60-63 References |
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