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图书名称: 透视中国乡村基督教——河北乡村基督教的调查与思考
整理时间: 2011-04-05
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图书简介: 【作者】 刘海涛; 【导师】 赵士林; 【作者基本信息】 中央民族大学, 宗教学, 2006, 博士【副题名】河北乡村基督教的调查与思考 【摘要】 地球资源与环境的有限性、脆弱性,使得中国农民作为一个整体,几乎没有可能享受到以大量物质消耗为基础的富裕生活,但他们依然可以过上衣食无忧的、有尊严的、体面的生活,这种生活不是以占有物质多少来确定人的价值,而是以人是否可以与自己的内心世界、与他人之间以及与自然之间的平等相处、和谐共存来确定自己的价值。为达此目标,农民观念之转变、乡村文化之转型的作用不可低估。因为,笔者生、长于华北内陆农村,在耳濡目染农民无穷智慧的同时,也深深体悟到乡村文化中亟待完善之处颇多。 中外历史表明:宗教对民族群体观念的转变和文化的转型具有较强的冲击作用,这主要是由于宗教中往往包含着一个民族最深藏不露却又影响广邃的价值观念体系的文化积淀,是文化体系中的深层核心。 自改革开放以来,在中国历史上可谓历经坎坷、命运多舛的基督教,在中国尤其是乡村的传播呈方兴未艾之势。随着全球化进程的加快,多元文化在世界范围内折合冲撞,更令我们看不到这一趋势在短期内减缓或停止的迹象,某种意义上是继佛教传入以来乡村文化受到的第二次冲击。那么,基督教在乡村迅猛发展的原因是什么?基督教作为现代西方文化的精神支柱,为中国的传统乡村文化注入了一种什么样的文化内涵或新鲜活力?换言之,基督教在中国农村中所倡导和实践的一切,蕴涵着一种什么样的文化理念和人文精神,这种理念和 【Abstract】 Chinese peasants as a whole can hardly enjoy rich life that based on consuming a lot of natural resources because of the scarcity and frailty of natural resources of the earth, but they can still have respectable and honorable lives that without worrying about food and cloth which means that a person’s value is not judged by how rich he is but whether he can live peacefully and harmoniously with his heart, other person and the nature. To attain this object, it’s important to transfer peasants’ concepts and the culture of rural area because I was born and raised in inland countryside of northern China and I do know that there are many defects in rural culture though I saw and heard a lot of wisdom of peasants.Both Chinese and Foreign countries’ histories demonstrated that religions strongly impact the concept transformation of ethnic group because religion is the deep core of culture system that including the culture accumulation of deeply sheltered value and concept system of certain ethnic group.Since the reform and open policy is performed, Protestantism of China which met various fates grow in history of China has been in ascendant especially in the rural area. With the development of globalization, many different kinds of cultures interact and impact with each other which makes us can not foresee the deceleration or end of the fast development of Protestantism in China in the near future. In a sense, it is the second impact on Chinese culture since the entrance of Buddhism. Then, what are the reasons for the fast development of Protestantism in rural area? As one of the pillars of western civilization, what has Protestantism injected into Chinese traditional rural culture? In other words, what Protestantism advocates and practices contain which kind of cultural concept and spirit? How has this kind of cultural concept and spirit affected Chinese villages. At the same time, how has Protestantism been changed?Since 1980’s, a large number of people have converted to Protestantism which made many scholars became very interested in studying Protestantism and unprecedented products were born . However, most researches belong to the field of literature, history or philosophy. Recently, sociology of religion which pay more attention to empirical study and field investigation is developing, but it’s still at beginning stage in general. Led by the theology of comparative study of Chinese and Western religions made by the scholar of literature, history and philosophy, I try to deeply investigate and analogy rural Protestantism of Hebei province using methods of sociology, anthropology and history.The paper includes four parts. The first one (introduction) clarifies some basic issues about this research. The questions are as follows: first, 【关键词】 乡村; 基督教; 中国; 民间宗教; 政教关系;【Key words】 Protestantism; rural area; China; popular religions; relationship between government and Protestantism;
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