精采内页抢先看: 2.圣神降临 参阅 宗二1-4 The Holy Spirit Descends on the Apostles Acts 2:1-4 耶稣升天后,宗徒们从橄榄山回到耶路撒冷。五旬节那天,他们和一些妇女聚集在一所房屋里,圣母玛利亚也在那里。忽然,巨声从天降下,好似风暴,充满了整座房屋,有舌状的火焰分散在各人头上。每人都充满了圣神,会说各地方言。 The apostles returned from the Mount of Olives to Jerusalem. On the day of Pentecost, the disciples were gathered together in a room. Mary was with them. Suddenly, a violent thunder and wind came from heaven. It filled the room. Flames shaped like tongues appeared over each one's head. Everyone was filled with the Holy Spirit and could speak foreign languages.
44.保禄在厄弗所为门徒覆手 参阅 宗十九1-7 Paul in Ephesus Places Hands on the Disciples Acts 19:1-7 当阿颇罗在格林多时,保禄行遍省内高原地区后,来到厄弗所。在这里他遇见几位门徒,他们都受了若翰的洗礼,但从未听过有圣神。保禄向他们解释说:“若翰授的是悔改的洗礼。”他们一共十二人,听了便因耶稣的名受了洗。保禄给他们覆手,圣神便降临到他们各人身上,他们就说起各种语言和预言。 While Apollos was in Corinth, Paul arrived to Ephesus, after traveling through the high interior land of the province. In Ephesus, he met some disciples who did not know the Holy Spirit and had received only the baptism of John. Paul explained to them that the baptism of John was a baptism of repentance. Therefore, they were baptized in the name of Jesus. Paul placed his hands on them and they received the Holy Spirit and began to speak languages and to prophesy. There were about twelve of them. |