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图书名称: 比较分析《马太福音》和《路加福音》中比喻起始句的主位结构
整理时间: 2010-12-01
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图书简介: 比较分析《马太福音》和《路加福音》中比喻起始句的主位结构 【论文学科】英语语言文学论文【论文级别】硕士论文,硕士毕业论文,硕士研究生论文【中文关键词】圣经中的比喻论文; 主位结构论文; 起始句论文; 福音书论文【中文题名】比较分析《马太福音》和《路加福音》中比喻起始句的主位结构【英文题名】A Comparative Analysis of the Thematic Structure of Parable Openings in the Gospel of Matthew and Luke 【所属分类】哲学与人文科学,外国语言文字,英语【英文关键词】parable; thematic structure; opening words; the Gospels 【中文摘要】与一般修辞中的比喻不同,圣经中的比喻所隐含的信息更大范围的超过了它的字面意义。正确解读圣经中的比喻一直是被许多领域的学者所关注的课题。圣经中的比喻究竟想要传达什么信息?这个问题直到今天仍然存在激烈的争论。圣经中的比喻大部分都包含在《新约》,尤其是福音书当中。前三部福音书都记载有大量的比喻。其中很大一部分在这几部书中同时出现。福音书的作者对这些比喻的叙述是否相同?他们如何展开一个比喻的叙述?本文将以这些比喻的起始句为切入点来解答这个问题。功能语法中的主位述位理论是本篇论文的理论框架。韩礼德的功能语法已被广泛的应用在语篇分析当中,其中的主位分析被证明能够有效的揭示语篇的内在发展模式。本文将以此为基础对两部福音书中比喻的起始句进行分析,力图揭示比喻起始句的主位结构的特点以及不同的主位选择如何实现作者不同的意图。本篇论文共分为六部分。前两章是引言和文献综述。作者在此对一些重要的概念和在圣经分析以及(来源:ABC论文4242网 www.abclunwen.com)主位分析领域中的研究成果做了简要的介绍和概括。第三章和第四章分别对《马可福音》和《路加福音》中的比喻的起始句进行主位分析,作者先根据语气将比喻进行分组,再分别对每组的比喻进行主位分析,并进一步解释主位选择是如何为作者传递信息的目的服务的。第五章是在前两章的基础上对两部福音书中的比喻进行比较分析。揭示两部福音书的作者在开始一个比喻的叙述上有什么相同点和不同点,以及他们所关心的主题有何不同。本章主要的对象是在两部福音书中同时出现的比喻。最后一章是对全文的总结。本篇论文区别于以往研究成果的地方在于将功能语法中的主位分析运用在对圣经中的比喻的分析当中。聚焦于开头的部分,即主位成分存在的部分。将每个比喻都看作是一个段落,通过主位分析找出其主题。文章最后得出的结论是:圣经中的比喻大多以简单主位和无标记主位开头。《马太福音》倾向于将已知信息放于段首主位当中而《路加福音》则倾向于以新信息开始比喻的叙述。两(来源:ABC3f论文网 www.abclunwen.com)部福音书中的比喻都有一个突出的主题,两者各不相同。关注圣经中比喻的开头有助于理解整个比喻的主题。(来源:AB653565C论文网www.abclunwen.com) 【英文摘要】 Different from metaphor or simile, parable contains much more information than it seems to. What message does a parable try to convey? This question has been discussed by a great number of scholars from various fields. And it is still a hotly debated issue.Most of the parables are found in the New Testament, especially the Gospels. Three of the four Gospels have prolific parabolic materials. Some of the parables have been shared by the two or even the three Gospels. Does the Gospel writers record the parables in the same way or do they leave their own mark in recording the parables? This thesis tries to answer the question by examining the opening words of the parables.The discussion in this thesis is based on the Theme-Rheme theory of Functional grammar, which has been generally applied to the field of discourse analysis. It is proved to be effective in analyzing the underlying structure of a text. The thesis will analyze the thematic structure of the opening sentences of the parables in the Gospel of Matthew and Luke. The aim is to find out their features in opening a parable and how their openings serve their purpose of writing.The thesis is divided into six chapters. The first two chapters are introduction and literature review. In these two chapters the writer gives an introduction on some important terms and overviews the previous studies on parable and thematic analysis. Chapter three and chapter four discusses Matthew’s and Luke’s parable opening singly. The writer first separates the parable openings into different groups according to their mood and then analyzes their thematic structures, and in the same time discusses how the different thematic structures affect their organizing of information. The fifth chapter compares the thematic features of the openings of the two Gospels. It focuses on the parables which are shared by the two Gospels and discusses the similarities and the differences of the two Gospels by analyzing these parables. The last chapter gives a conclusion on the findings of the thesis.This thesis differs from the previous studies by applying the Theme theory of functional grammar to the analysis of the parables. It focuses on the opening words, where the thematic element exists, in order to find out the topic of the parables. It is found that typical Theme of a parable’s opening sentence is simple and unmarked Theme. Matthew tends to put given information within the paragraph Theme while Luke’s paragraph Theme carries new information. Each of the two Gospel writers has his specific concern in recording a parable. The analysis of the opening words is helpful to understand the focus of the parable. Acknowledgements 4-5 Abstract in Chinese 5-7 Abstract in English 7-10 Chapter 1 Introduction 10-17 1.1 The definition of parable 10-12 1.2 An introduction to Thematic Analysis 12-17 Chapter 2 Literature Review 17-23 2.1 The previous studies on parable 17-19 2.2 The previous studies on Thematic Analysis 19-21 2.3 The research of this thesis 21-23 Chapter 3 The Analysis of Matthew’s Parable Openings 23-37 3.1 The general description of parables in Matthew 23-26 3.2 Classification of Matthew’s parable openings 26-29 3.3 Thematic structure of Matthew’s parable openings 29-36 3.4 Summary 36-37 Chapter 4 The Analysis of Luke’s Parable Openings 37-51 4.1 An overview on Luke’s parable 37-39 4.2 Classification of Luke’s parable openings 39-41 4.3 Thematic structure of Luke’s parable opening 41-50 4.4 Summary 50-51 Chapter 5 The Comparison of Matthew and Luke in Terms of Their Thematic Features in Opening a Parable 51-62 5.1 The analysis of the parables shared by the two Gospels 51-57 5.2 The comparison of the Theme choice of the two Gospels 57-61 5.3 Summary 61-62 Chapter 6 Conclusion 62-64 Bibliography 64-66
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