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图书名称: 阐释学与圣经关系探析
整理时间: 2010-12-01
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图书简介: 【摘要】: 阐释学是一个既古老又年轻的学问,它的产生最早可以追溯到公元前5世纪古代希伯来人对圣经的解释。可以说,从诞生之日起它就与圣经结下了不解之缘。当整个西方世界都皈依基督教的时候,它成为一门奠定整个基督教文明神哲学基础的重要学问。近代启蒙主义的浪潮彻底撼动了基督教传统的社会驾御力量,哲学阐释学也因此逐渐走出了阐释圣经的家园,从释经学中分离出来成为一个独立的一般意义上的阐释学。经施莱尔马赫、狄尔泰、海德格尔发展,特别是伽达默尔和保罗·利科的努力,哲学阐释学的思想已经渗透到人文学科的各个领域包括文学、美学、心理学、历史学、社会学等等,对当今人文学术活动产生巨大的影响。本文着重描述了阐释学和圣经的产生、发展、分离又融合的过程,阐明了两者的“剪不断理还乱”的复杂关系。 本文除去前言和结语共分四部分: 前言主要从总体上讲述了笔者写作本论文的缘起。其中,笔者结合当前国内学术界的现状指出论文选题的意义所在。另外,出于众所周知的原因,圣经文学的研究总是被一些学者所误解,笔者运用学科理论简要论证了本专业研究的比较文学性质。 第一部分“阐释与圣经的姻缘”由三个小单元组成:阐释的理由、古代释经学、圣经文学的诞生。1、阐释的理由 本单元详细考察了阐释学的词源和神话人类学基础,追溯了圣经的形成,讨论了其宗教用途和圣经解释的缘起。笔者着重探讨了阐释发生的一般原因,详细分析了圣经阐释的三个最早理由。2、古代释经学 本单元通过回顾圣经阐释学的形成及发展过程,具体考察了释经学的两大趋势:字面意义解经和超字面意义解经,指出它们非常明显的文学性,特别对隐喻解经的两大代表人物斐洛和奥利金的思想进行了详细的描述,结合中世纪文学理论和批评的实际情况肯定了中世纪释经学的重大贡献。 3、圣经文学的诞生 本单元首先指出了圣经文学的释经学基础,认为圣经文学 来源于释经学,同时认为圣经文学的发展使得释经学朝着多元的方向演化,特别 强调了圣经文学的广义概念以及它在释经学中占据着极其重要的位置。笔者最后 产生了这样的看法:各种释经理论和实践或多或少都可划归圣经文学的大范畴。 第二部分“走出家园的现代阐释学”以历史发展为线索详细描述了保罗·利 科之前圣经的近现代哲学阐释学处境,讨论了施莱尔马赫、狄尔泰、海德格尔和 伽达默尔的阐释哲学思想。笔者认为,这个阶段是阐释学与圣经分离,独立建立 一片精神天空的重要时期,其间阐释学由方法论和认识论逐渐发展成为本体论阐 释哲学,对二十世纪学术史发展有着重大意义。 第三部分“阐释学的回归”主要描述了保罗·利科的哲学阐释学和圣经阐释 学思想,认为利科是哲学阐释学与圣经阐释学的连接点,他的理论强调两者的辨 证互动,从根本上找到了阐释学回归的路径。笔者认为利科的思想代表了哲学阐 释学与圣经阐释学的真正相遇,使人们真正意识到阐释学寻找自我的循环终点仍 是圣经本文。 第四部分“哲学阐释学影响下的圣经阐释学”描述了从布尔特曼到特雷西的 圣经阐释学家的思想,分析了他们受哲学阐释学影响的具体方面,指出在当前的 圣经研究中哲学阐释学仍是最重要的本体论指导和方法论依据。 结语部分 根据全文主干的四部分内容,笔者总结了关于圣经与阐释学关系 的三点看法,对圣经与阐释学的融合、分离、再融合的循环模式给与了历史的和 理论的描述。其后,笔者以大量篇幅论证了当代阐释学对圣经研究的重大意义, 以期使国内同行关注圣经文学研究及其所需的理论指导,为更好的研究圣经文学 开发出一片更加有利的环境。 归根结底,笔者是期望通过考察阐释学与圣经的关系,在简述阐释学产生发 展变化的同时着重清理阐释学历史中有关具体问题的重大理论论争,同时也想为 圣经文学专业的继续开拓寻找一条更加宽阔的路径,在学术思想纷争的后现代语 境下使圣经文学的发展既能够与时俱进又能使对真理的追寻搏击出健康、美丽和 理性的光彩。【关键词】:阐释学 圣经【学位授予单位】:河南大学【学位级别】:硕士【学位授予年份】:2002 【分类号】:I106.9 【DOI】:CNKI:CDMD:2.2002.080132 【目录】: * 内容提要(中文)4-6 * 内容提要(英文)6-9 * 前言9-13 * 一、 阐释与圣经的姻缘13-29 * 1.1 阐释的理由13-16 * 1.2 古代释经学16-24 * 1.3 圣经文学的诞生24-29 * 二、 走出家园的现代阐释学——圣经的近现代哲学阐释学处境(保罗·利科之前)29-40 * 三、 阐释学的回归:保罗·利科的哲学阐释学和圣经阐释学思想40-53 * 3.1 本文阐释理论40-47 * 3.2 圣经阐释学与哲学阐释学的辩证互动思想47-53 * 四、 哲学阐释学影响下的当代圣经阐释学53-60 * 结语60-64 * 注释64-65 * 参考文献65 Hermeneutics is an ancient and young academic field. Its appearance dates from the fifth century BC during which the ancient Hebrew interpreted the Pentateuch. We can pledge that its origin can"t be separated from the Bible. When the whole western world regarded the Christian as its relief, hermeneutics became the important subject which the Christian philosophy and theology were found on. Since the 18th century, the waves of the Enlightenment have challenged the social manipulative power of the Christian tradition. The philosophical hermeneutics left the Bible and became a kind of the independent subject that didn"t regard the Bible any longer as its single object. With many scholars" efforts such as Schleiermacher, Dilthey, Heidegger, especially Gadamer and Ricoeur, the ideas of philosophical hermeneutics have invaded in all kinds of fields of humanistic academia such as literature, aesthetics, psychology, histology and sociology etc and have greatly influenced the modern academic movement. This thesis tries to describe the progress in which hermeneutics and the Bible appeared, developed, separated and combined so that it might make the complex relation between them clear.This thesis consists of four parts except prelude and conclusion.Prelude mainly proclaims the general reason for which author writes the article. In it, the author shows the significance of the theme through describing the present condition of the civil academia. In addition to it, the author simply demonstratejthe essence of comparative literature in the biblical literature studies itself according to the theory concerned in case that the biblical literature studies might be misunderstood as it were for the evident reason.The first part "the Affinity of Hermeneutics and the Bible" consists three units: 1, The Cause of Hermeneutics; 2,The Ancient Exegesis; 3,The biblical literature"s appearance. l.The Cause of Hermeneutics: This unit investigates^^)?) etymology and themyth-anthropologistical foundation/hermeneutics and traces the Bible"s formingwhile it discusses the religious use of the Bible and reason of exegesis. The author mainly studies the general reason of interpretation and analyzes three of the earliest causes of exegesis.2. The Ancient Exegesis: In this unit, the author traces the exegesis"s forming and developing and investigates two main inclinations of exegesis: literal exegesis and_>. 7trans-literal exegesis. The unit exposes their obvious essence of literature ^describes especially two representatives of metaphorical exegesis. At the end of the unit, the author highly praises the medieval exegesis"s contribution according to the true condition of medieval literary theory and criticism.3. The Biblical Literature"s Appearance: This unit shows the exegetical foundation of the biblical literature. The author argues that the biblical literature originated-from exegesis and the development of the biblical literature accelerates the exegesis"s evolvement toward multiple hermeneutics .In addition, the unit emphasizes the broad sense of the biblical literature and its extreme important position in exegesis. In the end, the author thinks that all kinds of exegesis theories and practice can be classified more or less in the broad field of the biblical literature.The second part "the Modern Hermeneutics leaving the family of the Bible" describes the modern hermeneutic background of the Bible before Paul Ricoeur in the historical clue. It discusses the concerned ideas of Schleiermacher, Dilthey, Heidegger and Gadamer. The author thinks that the developing period of philosophical hermeneutics is the important stage in which hermeneutics left the Bible and built its own spiritual sky. During this time, hermeneutics evolved into ontological hermeneutical philosophy from the level of epistemology and methodology so that it might influence greatly academic history of the 20th century.The third part "the Return of Hermeneutics" mainly describes Paul Ricoeur"s philosophical hermeneutics and the b
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