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图书名称: 内化与超越:论希伯来圣经中耶和华信仰与以色列民族的关系
整理时间: 2011-03-26
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图书简介: Faith in YHWH; Israeli ethnicity; Internalization;Transcendence 以色列人这一概念兼具宗教与民族的双重含义,它不仅指一个民族群体,而且指一个宗教群体。在以色列人的历史上,耶和华信仰扮演着整合与凝聚民族精神的重要角色。统一的耶和华信仰使以色列民族走到了一起,赋予他们共同的文化素质与生活方式;而特殊的以色列民族又为耶和华信仰增添了许多更为独特的色彩。 那么,以色列人这一概念所具备的民族性与宗教性的双重含义是如何体现出来的?以色列人的宗教性,即耶和华信仰对以色列民族的形成与发展有什么作用?以色列人的民族性又对耶和华信仰的某些观念产生了哪些影响?在以色列人宗教性与民族性的长期互动中到底体现了怎样一种关系?对这些问题的层层解答,正是本文的主旨所在。 本文主要以《希伯来圣经》(亦常称为《旧约》)为原始材料,以民族与宗教之关系问题作为对圣经文本进行分析的主轴,结合学术界对《希伯来圣经》的文学、史学及思想研究成果,运用民族学、宗教学的一些基本理论来探讨以色列民族与耶和华信仰之间的关系。 本文认为,就耶和华信仰对以色列民族的意义而言,一方面,耶和华信仰凝聚、统一了以色列民族,并且内化于以色列民族这一载体之中;另一方面,它又在一定程度上超越了狭隘的民族界限,具有丰富的普世内涵。就以色列民族对耶和华信仰的意义而言,以色列民族的民族性又在一定程度上制约了耶和华信仰。其民族因素在很大程度上限制了信仰的普世性与开放性,使耶和华信仰最终未能走向世界。 There are both religious and ethnic meanings of the concept of Israeli. It serves as an ethnic group and also a religious group. On the one hand, faith in YHWH, which unities the group of Israel people, gives them common cultural identity and lifestyle. On the other hand, the special characters of Israeli ethnic group add a lot more contents to the faith in YHWH. The paper believes that the Israeli ethnic created the YHWH faith while the faith in YHWH unified the Israeli ethnic identity.The thesis tries to answer a series of questions as follows: How does the double meaning of Israeli come together in one term of Israeli? Which are the influences of YHWH faith on the formation and development of ethnic Israeli? And what are the effects of the ethnic character of Israeli on the YHWH faith? What is the relation between the YHWH faith and Israeli ethnic? The answer to these questions is the main contents of this thesis.This study takes the "Hebrew Bible" (often known as the "Old Testament") as the raw materials, with the issue of relationship between religion and nationality as the central question. Combined with some theories on religion and nationality, the classic approaches of literary and historical criticism are applied in studying the basic issue of the relationship between the Israeli nationality and its religion.This thesis believes that the faith in YHWH plays a significant role in the formation of Israeli ethnicity. The faith in YHWH, which unities Israeli ethnicity, is internalized into its ethnicity. But on the other hand, it also, to some extent, transcends the narrow ethnic boundaries, containing rich universal orientation. This thesis also holds the point that the ethnicity of Israeli constrains the faith in YHWH to a certain extent. Ethnic factors restrict it in its universality and openness, and finally resulting in the failure of the faith in YHWH to become a world religion.
下载地址: [ 内化与超越:论希伯来圣经中耶和华信仰与以色列民族的关系 ]  (用鼠标左键直接点击下载地址)  下载次数:
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