The theory preparation for the bio-theology by the modern Catholicism
东南大学 孙慕义
There is a great change of Catholicism currently for the development of modern biotechnology and life science. The ethical theology represented by Vatican II which topple down the tradition and rebuilt the new theory are contributing largely to the birth of bioethics and impacting the culture and moral philosophy of the 20th century. Catholicism theologists think all the things coming from Bible are holy, relative and absolute. There is fundamental difference between the religion life and religion doctrine. The real belief is reflected the love of God and neighbor. The description of God by human is limited and not completed. The bioethical theory of theology should be built based on ethics of love or humanism. The principle should be regard as "the root of universe order is love of God and mankind love as social standard". It is not the personal love but the general love of all people. The core value of medicine and life science is love which should be used as the forever standard. The un-limit and absolute of God reflect the significance of human life and the ultimate value of human. In New Testment, Jesus performs everything by the faith and power of God with clear evidence of bioethics behavior. So the ethical content is always going along with science. Without belief without complete life.
[70] John J.Paris and Mark Poorman :“Playing God” and the Removal of Life-Prolonging Therapy, The Journal of Medicine and Philosophy,1995,Vol.20 No.4 August .P.405.
[71] George Khushf:Illnese,the Problem of Evil,and the Analogical Structure of Healing:On the Difference Christianity Makes in Bioethics ,Christian Bioethics, 1995,Vol.1.No.1.P.104.
[94] 巴尔塔萨(Hans Urs von Balthasar)1905年8月12日生于瑞士的卢塞恩,童年起酷爱音乐与文学,1924年,进入苏黎世大学学习文学和哲学。1926年在柏林大学听瓜尔蒂尼讲授克尔恺郭尔的作品,被深深打动。1928年获苏黎世大学博士学位,1929年10月加入耶稣会。后又在费尔德基尔希和里昂学习神学与哲学。1936年在慕尼黑的米歇尔教堂任神职,1940年起,在巴塞尔担任学生神甫,从此成为与巴特齐名的巴塞尔思想巨人。1941年创立学生训练团契;此间他为女医生施派尔改宗施洗,受其神秘主义和唯灵论思想影响转而研究《约翰福音》,把教会作为世俗机构在现实世界完成救赎运动,1950年由于与耶稣会负责人分歧,退出,1956年返回巴塞尔。巴氏不属于学院派神学家,一生未任专业教职,但其卓越的研究成就使其声誉显赫;获得多种奖励和被授予明斯特、弗莱堡等大学的名誉博士,1969年被教皇保罗六世提名为教皇国际神学委员会成员,1973年被选为英国科学院通讯院士和法国道德和政治科学院外籍院士;还被授予保罗六世奖。1988年被任命为红衣主教,同年6月26日于巴塞尔逝世。一生著述极丰,主要有:《德意志灵魂启示录》、《死之神化》、《世界的真理》、《历史神学》、《大卫王》、《今日之人的上帝问题》、《成肉身之言》、《神学戏剧学》、《神学逻辑学》、《受造之人》、《我们可以希望什么》、《神学三部曲跋记》等。当代天主教著名神学家毕塞尔评价说:“巴尔塔萨的著作”已经使“我们时代的神学达到了自教父时代以来及经院哲学之大全的作者们从未达到的那种知识的广博性。”(此文引自卓新平着《当代西方天主教神学》第249页)