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图书名称: 论马可福音的复活观-从读者回应批判法的角度来看
整理时间: 2011-03-05
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图书简介: 【作者】 薛霞霞; 【导师】 孙毅; 【作者基本信息】 中国人民大学, 宗教学, 2005, 硕士 【摘要】 本文主要探讨的是复活这一基督教最核心的观念之一,它对于个体生命,特别是基督徒的影响是什么?当他们面对苦难与不幸的时候,他们的态度是怎样的。他们的信仰与信念所带给他们的究竟是什么? 文章试图通过对《马可福音》文本的分析,来发现福音书的作者究竟是如何来表达他的复活观念,而他所表达的复活观念对于当时的读者而言,可能会有什么样的影响。本文分析《马可福音》的文本所使用的方法,主要是读者回应批判法,即从读者的角度来解读《马可福音》的复活观念及其影响,这里的读者指的是《马可福音》当时所要写给的第一读者。文章主要从下面几个方面来写基督教复活的观念与影响:第一章比较概述性的谈到关于复活的观念及其重要性,谈到《旧约》的复活观念、复活在《新约》圣经中的地位、基督教复活的意义与重要地位及对耶稣复活事件的历史性之讨论。第二章考查《马可福音》的文本,说明我们为什么要选《马可福音》来写其复活的观念与影响,有三个方面:1、马可是最早写成的福音书,(它对于描述初期教会耶稣的复活观也就更具有参考价值);2、《马可福音》成书的时间、地点及对象问题的探讨(在这样的探讨中我们可以了解到从当时的环境及所面对的读者群《马可福音》所突出的重点应该是受苦与复活);3、马可的结尾问题,没有显现的故事(这与其他三本福音书完全不同,如果显现是耶稣复活的重要证明,马可为何会缺失这一部分,他的复活观念究竟是什么)。第三章是具体的分析马可福音的复活观,又分三个方面,第一方面写与耶稣本身复活有关的论述,主要从耶稣的受苦一直到他的复活(空坟墓事件),表明复活与受苦是不可分的;第二方面写耶稣在事工中给人们带来的复活的希望,分别从医治、赶鬼及自然神迹来看耶稣复活的大能所赋予人的一种全新的生命;第三方面分析耶稣关于普遍复活及末世问题的讲论。第四章是阐明十字架、复活与希望之间的关系,突出了基督教复活观念的神学意义及它对于个体生命所可能带来的巨大的影响。本文从《马可福音》文本出发来阐述复活的观念与及其影响,主要论述了复活在基督教神学上的意义及其对于个体生命的影响。从神学的意义上来看,复活是与十字架及救赎紧密相联的观念。十字架的救赎事件与复活是绑在一起不可分割的整体,耶稣十字架上的死和他的复活是内在统一的,显然,关于十字架的真道是依赖于复活的信息,没有复活耶稣的死仍然隐藏于全然的黑暗中,不会有任何的救赎内容,这样,复活使十字架成为信仰与神学的内容,在复活中上帝表达了十字架救赎的特殊重要性。复活使得十字架的重要性为人所知。耶稣的死成为上帝对人的罪恶的愤怒的审判,作为一种惩罚,十字架成为咒诅。因为耶稣以神儿子的身份顺从了这一审判,他的死成为赎罪祭。另外,对于复活的认识,让我们看到耶稣的死是胜过撒旦的权势。耶稣的十字架源于上帝救赎行动的重要性。借着这种复活的救赎,人与上帝合一的关系得以重建。因为,复活的基督为人的存在所带来的是人与上帝之间全新的关系,这种关系超过了罪与死亡所带来的捆绑,使人能够成为上帝之子。所以,十字架的牺牲借着复活达到人与上帝和好的关系,最终,使救赎计划得以完美的达成。另外,在对《马可福音》文本的分析中,我们可以看到无论是医治、赶鬼还是使人饱足的故事中,当个体与耶稣发生关系,真正遇见耶稣的那一刻,他的生命存在的方式开始发生改变,或者从疾病的将死的边缘恢复到新的、满有力量的生存之中;或者从瘫痪的、充满疾病与伤痛的生命回复到身体上健全,心灵上喜乐与平安的全新的生命状态之中;或者从饥恶、困倦、无意义的生命当中得以脱离,使生命全然充实、不再一样,这一切的更新与变化源自于遇见带着复活大能的神子耶稣。这对于当时的读者来说,是对他们在那样的苦难的环境中的一种安慰与应许,为失去希望的人带来希望。同时,这希望的享有,需要从末世的角度来看他们在现实生活中所遭受的这一切。因为正是从末世的角度来看,随着耶稣的复活,那将要来的上帝的统治才会被引入到现实当中。这样,对于基督信仰者而言,这死亡世界与将要来的生命世界不再像世界的两个不同时期那样相互对立; 信仰者不再生活在这未受救赎的死亡世界里。在对复活的耶稣的信仰中,信仰者借着新的生命世界的力量生活,在与复活的耶稣的生命交流中,他们分享了本真的生命,这生命也就是属于将来的全新的生命。本文在分析《马可福音》的过程中,主要使用的是读者回应批判法,注重作者、文本、读者三者之间的互动。当然,本文的读者,主要是指当时的第一读者,也即是从当时读者的角度来看《马可福音》的复活观念,这是前人比较少研究的角度,笔者以为从这个角度出发,既不失历史的视野,也不把文本当作死的研究对象来看,而是在文本与读者的互动中来解读其中的意义。拟英文名字:On The Resurrection of Mark——In View of Reader-Response Criticism 【Abstract】 This thesis mainly talks about the resurrection, which is the key concept in Christianity. What’s the influence of it to the individual life, especially the Christians? When they confront the disaster and misery ,how do they respond? What their beliefs have brought to them on the earth? By the analysis of the Gospel of Mark, we try to find out how the author express the concept of resurrection, and what the influence to the first reader was, who the community of Mark was. The way of analysis is Reader-Response Criticism that means to understand the text of Mark from the aspect of readers. We should point out that the readers here are the first readers, who are the object of Mark.We describe the concept and influence of the resurrection in Christianity as following: In Chapter One we generally talk about the concept of resurrection and its importance. It refers to the resurrection in Old Testament and in New Testament, and then we share something about the significance and controversy of the resurrection. In chapter Two we analyze the text of Mark to explain why we pick up Mark as the writing material, the reasons are as following: first, Mark is the first Gospel in New Testament; Second, something about the background of Mark, such as its time, place and the objects; Third, the ending of Mark which is losing the story of Jesus’ s appearance. In Chapter Three, we analyze the resurrection in Mark in detail. There are three aspects in this regard: First, we write something about the resurrection of Jesus from His suffering to the empty tomb, which we illustrate that the resurrection is bound to the suffering; Second, we illuminate that Jesus brought in the hope of resurrection through his work, which can be seen by the stories of healing、driving out the Demoniac and feeding and so on; Third, we analyze the discourse of Jesus on the general resurrection and the topics of the last days. In Chapter Four, we clarify the relationships among the Cross、resurrection and hope, standing out the theological meaning of resurrection and its great influence on the individual life.Starting from the text of Mark, this thesis has set forth the concept of resurrection and its influence on individual life. In view of the Christian theology, resurrection is connected with the salvation and the cross. The saving event of the cross and resurrection are bound together in indissoluble unity, that means the death of Jesus is in harmony with His resurrection. Apparently, the word of cross is dependent on the message of the resurrection, without resurrection, the death of Jesus remains shrouded in total darkness and cannot have any soterriological content, then not only is the giving up of the cross unthinkable, but even to speak of a co-ordination of cross and resurrection in hardly proper. Therefore, the resurrection of Jesus made the cross as the content of faith and theology, God express the especial importance of salvation in the resurrection. The death of Jesus means that God judged the evil of human, as a punishment, the cross became a curse. Due to the obedience of Jesus who is the Only Son of God, He saved the sinners. In addition, we know the death of Jesus have come over the power of Satan through His resurrection. By the resurrection, the relationship between God and human have been restored, for the resurrection of Christ has brought in the new footing for the existence of human, the new relationship exceeded the bondage of sin and death, which enables men able to be sons of God. Hence ,the death on the cross reconciled human with God, finally, achieving the plan of the salvation.Moreover, from the text of Mark, we know that in any story of healing, driving out demons or feeding, when the individual happened to meet with Jesus, his existence became to change: sometimes they recovered from the edge of death to the new existence full of strength; sometimes they recovered from a life of being paralyzed, sick or hurt and become healthy, filled with joy and peace, a brand new status of living; or
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