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图书名称: 天主教-麦百恩著(7册合集)
整理时间: 2010-10-12
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麦百恩着天主教上海教区光启社编译 天主教上海教区光启社 2001 年 12 月 出版前言麦百恩神父 (Fr. Richard P. McBrien) 是美国著名的天主教大学,圣母大学 (University of Notre Dame) 的神学教授。他的《天主教训Catholicism) 在美国的宗教书籍中销量占第一,深得各方人士喜爱。承蒙他赠送该书的中文版权给天主教上海教区光启社,才得以使中国的大部分教徒也能品尝到一份新鲜的、平衡的、开阔视野的神学韵味,从而能进一步认识天主和袖对人类的救恩计划。借出版此书之际,我愿意特别感谢麦克恩神父的慷慨和善意。麦神父的《天主教》约有 100 万字,共分成七个部分: 人的存在、天主、耶稣基督、教会、圣事、基督徒伦理、灵修。麦神父用确切但易懂的神学语言给我们描绘了一幅比较完整的、动态的、我们信仰的图像。麦神父在各个部分都采用了同一的风格:首先提出问题,接着阐述该主题的圣经依据,它在历史上演变情况,特别给出梵二以后教会在该问题上的教导,当今的神学家们对它的各种观点,并对各主题的一些引人关注的焦点问题给予了专题讨论。本书涉及的都是我们的信仰问题,麦神父的立论完全符合教会的传统教导,但他在阐明这些问题时,紧紧扣住梵二精神,用当代人容易接受的认识和思辨方法加以解释。因此,读者一改从前认为神学书都是枯燥无味的感觉,而觉耳目一新,仿佛自己与天主也更接近了。这本书确实能帮2 助我们认识天主,满足我们"信仰寻求理解"的需要;特别,若我们能把七个部分系统地加以学习、细细地进行反省的话,则收获定不小。光启社这次以八部分册(把"引言和结论"合为一册,并把其它七个部分各定为一分册)的形式出版此书,其目的有二:第一,该书的翻译工作量极大,尽管他们组织了一些善心人士帮忙,但力量还不够,因此分批出版,为能把这本好书一-一即使是其中的部分一一尽快献给读者;其次,以分册形式出现,也便于读者翻阅学习。光启社的工作人员为该书的出版化了大量精力,在此,我也感谢他们为我们中国教会的福传事业作出的贡献。最后,我衷心希望麦神父的〈天主教》能对中国教会在对修士、修女的培养过程中,发挥其应有的功能。这将是一本不可多得的好教科书。愿天主降福我们中国教会。天主教上海教区主教 金鲁贤 2001 年耶稣复活瞻礼

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    2018-01-09 02:53:35 发表 [8 楼]
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    2011-03-04 07:01:31 发表 [3 楼]

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    本站网友 LoveTruth
    2010-11-04 09:05:22 发表 [1 楼]
    U.S. Bishops' Committee on Doctrine
    and Richard P. McBrien



    Certainly, Fr. Richard P. McBrien, Chairman of the Theology (?) Department at Notre Dame University, may be regarded as the U.S.' most well-known dissenter theologian (now that Fr. Charles E. Curran has been stripped of his status as a Catholic theologian by order of Pope John Paul II).

    Fr. McBrien was one of the original signers of Fr. Curran's Statement of Dissent against Humanae Vitae. In a number of his books he rejects clearly enough Papal teaching on the intrinsic immorality of contraceptive birth control. He has expressed himself in the same manner in various newspaper articles, including the one in the February 17, 1978 issue of the National Catholic Reporter wherein he argued fervently that Humanae Vitae was fundamentally wrong in its teaching. He also agreed with the dissent from Humanae Vitae contained in the Catholic Theological Society of America's ill-fated Committee Report "Human Sexuality". This Report was soon denounced by a number of U.S. Bishops because of its complete capitulation to "Situation Ethics" in the area of sexual morality.

    When the same Report was issued as a book "Human Sexuality: New Directions in American Catholic Thought" and edited by Rev. Anthony Kosnik, it was condemned in 1979 by the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith for its "erroneous principles" and denial of "absolute values". (See Flannery's "Vatican Council II : More Post-Conciliar Documents", pages 505-509). For Fr. Richard McBrien, however, the CTSA volume (whose "new directions" sanctioned not only contraception but also homosexuality, pornography, and bestiality!) represented progress in Catholic moral theology.

    "Its inevitable deficiencies notwithstanding, the CTSA committee report, Human Sexuality, is as reliable an indication of responsibly progressive Catholic moral theology as we have today. The fact that it is so far removed from the moral universe of Humanae Vitae is more a commentary on how much the Catholic Church has changed in the last ten years than it is on the merits or demerits of either document."

    (National Catholic Reporter, 2-17-78)

    Fr. McBrien has never been shy in setting forth his own agenda for radical revolution in the Church. For example:

    "Optional celibacy for priests, the ordination of women, policy-making authority for diocesan and parish councils, re-admission of many divorced and re-married Catholics to a sacramental fellowship, and a critical re-interpretation of Humanae Vitae — all of these are issues which, until resolved, will continue to impede the Church's progress toward effective reform and renewal."

    (The Guardian, 6-24-77)

    In his writings Fr. McBrien invariably proposes that when the Pope officially teaches one thing and dissenter theologians another, the latter may well be teaching the truth. As Professor James Hitchcock has pointed out, such a contention simply makes:

    "a mockery out of any coherent Catholic ecclesiology."

    (National Catholic Register 1/18/81).
    Nevertheless, such is the context in which Fr. McBrien continually justifies his and others' dissent from basic Catholic doctrines, including God's prohibition against contraception. As Fr. McBrien has himself expressed it:

    "The Pope and bishops alone..... cannot determine the limits of orthodoxy,"

    (America, 3-1-80)
    Interestingly, when the U.S. Bishops' Committee on Doctrine expressed in July 1985 some trenchant reservations about McBrien's 1300 pages, two volume work "Catholicism" (originally published in 1980 with a one volume "Study Edition" published in 1981), its members specifically observed:

    "The Committee on Doctrine . . noted sections of the book in both of its editions (1980 and 1981) in which the presentation is not supportive of the Church's authoritative teaching as would be expected in a text titled 'Catholicism'. Such sections are those which discuss contraception (cf. pp. 1016 ff) and the ordination of women (cf. pp. 847-853)."

    One has only to read the latest 1986 revised version of the 'Study Edition' of "Catholicism" to see how Fr. McBrien remains obstinate in justifying dissent in the matter of contraception and in misleading those readers ready to follow him in his own studied dissent from the doctrine contained in Humanae Vitae. In his typically dissembling manner, Fr. McBrien elevates the theological argument waged by dissenters above those of Magisterial pronouncements in the determination of truth. Thus, he argues in the preface to this 1986 'Study Edition':

    "(My book's) discussion of contraception is supportive of the Church's authoritative teaching in that it summarizes it fully and recognizes its authoritative character ... What is not said, of course, is that Catholics have to follow the letter of Church teachings, regardless of what their consciences may tell them and independently of any discussion that may be going on among theologians concerning the meaning and application of such teachings." (page xxx)

    It is evident that Fr. McBrien has merrily thumbed his nose at the U.S. Bishops' Committee on Doctrine and dashed any expectation they may have had that the future edition of his "Catholicism" would eliminate any rationale for dissent from Humanae Vitae.

    Pope John Paul II could well have been speaking of McBrien's "Catholicism" when he declared to all the U.S. Bishops gathered together in Los Angeles on September 16 1987:

    "Dissent from Church doctrine remains what it is, DISSENT: as such it may not be proposed or received on an equal footing with the Church's authentic teaching."
    The 1986 editions of Fr. Richard P. McBrien's "Catholicism" remain a defiant manifesto of dissent for a disobedient "American Church". It remains to be seen what the U.S. Bishops' Committee on Doctrine will do next.

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