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图书名称: 19世纪中期-20世纪中期美国天主教本土化问题
整理时间: 2010-09-18
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图书简介: 论文标题:19世纪中期—20世纪中期美国天主教本土化问题 Augustus" Staff Policy 论文作者 张小龙论文导师 董小川,论文学位 硕士,论文专业 世界史论文单位 东北师范大学,点击次数 26,论文页数 51页File Size2402k 2002-05-01论文网 http://www.lw23.com/lunwen_639628892/ 美国;天主教;本土化;梵蒂冈 America,Catholicism,Localization,Vatican 天主教是当代美国宗教生活中影响力仅次于新教的第二大教派。作为一个强有力的宗教利益集团,美国天主教会不仅在其6,000万信徒中有着广泛的凝聚力和号召力,在很大程度上左右着社会道德价值观念和政治取向的形成;而且籍其雄厚的经济实力为后盾,对于各级政府决策施加着举足轻重的影响。然而,美国天主教成长与繁荣的过程并非一帆风顺,更非一朝一夕所能完成,而是与其旨在适应美国本土环境的自我革新相伴而行的。这一自我革新进程即是本文论述的主题:美国天主教的本土化。 自19世纪早期大量天主教移民踏上美国土地之日起,美国天主教的本土化进程中就贯穿着两条相互关联而又独立存在的线索,其一表现为教会上层神职人员对美国主流文化的认同与接受,其二表现为平信徒移民群体的同化。把握这两条值得注意的线索,将有助于我们从不同视角对美国天主教本土化问题加以审视。简而言之,前者可被视为教会自身的本土化,亦即美国天主教革新与应变的原动力,对后者的研究则侧重于针对移民社区的现实关注,主要考察美国主流文化在移民物质生活和精神世界领域所施加的影响。 本文写作目的在于对19世纪中期至20世纪60年代的美国天主教本土化进程进行回顾与评析。在序言部分,作者将阐释本土化这一概念的具体含义,同时将对学术界以往在这一问题上的探索与争鸣作出总结和评价。论文主体共分三部分。 第一部分主要论述19世纪移民经历与天主教本土化之间的关系,具体内容包括:1.19世纪的天主教移民浪潮。2.爱尔兰移民与美国天主教势力的发展壮大。 3.美国天主教会对本土化道路的最初尝试。第二部分归纳总结美国天主教会在20世纪前期所呈现出的特点,主要包括:1.美国天主教政治文化的形成。2.民族教会的本土化。第三部分重在从思想角度考察天主教神学在美国环境下的发展与嬗变。主要论述了:1.现代天主教神学的三个层面。2.美国天主教中的新经院哲学。3.20年代的“礼仪运动”。 As one of the largest denominations in modern United States, American Catholicism bears an influence that is only second to Protestantism. The Catholic Church, backed up by its remarkable wealth, to a large extent shapes the policy-making process at all levels as well as the moral value and political orientations of over 60 million followers. However, the growth or prevailing of American Catholicism is by no means a smooth and instant one. Rather, it is accompanied by the self-reformation designed to adapt the Catholicism itself to the local circumstance. That is what we call the "localization" of American Catholicism hi this thesis.Over the course of centuries since the mass immigration of Catholics hi the early 19th century, two interrelated but distinct themes need to be heeded in the localization of American Catholicism. That is, the acculturation of the clergy and the assimilation of the laymen. The difference between the two themes provides different perspectives in analyzing the issue of localization. Briefly put, the acculturation of the clergymen is largely identified with the localization of the Catholic Church, which is the primary mechanism for the implementation of reforms and innovations; by contrast, the latter is identified with the practice-based immigrant communities whose form of material and spiritual life are closely patterned after the mainstream culture they encountered.This paper is a review and analysis to the localization of American Catholicism as it emerged mostly in the period between the mid-19th century and the 1960s, hi the preface, the author explained the norm of "localization" and summarized the previous argument on this issue. The main body of the thesis comes in three parts.Part one: The immigrant experience and the localization of Catholicism, hi this part, the author dealt with: 1 .The large-scale immigration of Catholics in the 19th century. 2. Irish immigrants and the growth of AmericanIVCatholicism. 3.The first attempts in localization made by American Catholic Church.Part two: Characteristics of the American Catholic Church in the early 20th century. Including: l.The fonnation of Catholic political culture in United States. 2.The localization of nationality churches.Part three: The development and evolution of Catholic theology under the American circumstance. Including: 1. The three levels of modem Catholic theology. 2. The new-scholarism in American Catholicism. 3. The liturgical movement in 1920s.
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