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图书名称: 北京市大学生基督徒聚会点个案研究
整理时间: 2010-09-28
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图书简介: 中文摘要: 基督教,作为西方文化的一个载体,同时作为一种宗教模式,随着改革开放的浪潮,逐渐深入到了中国社会的不同层面。根据三自教会2000年的估计,中国现有注册在户的基督徒大约为两千万人,其中包括了农民、工人、商人、知识分子等各各层面。然而,处于中国政府的三自教会之外的基督徒更是人数众多。在作为中国国家建设精英阶层的大学生们之中,也有一定数量的基督徒。就北京地区的各高校而言,基督教聚会点的数量是与高校数量成正比的,几乎每一所大学都存在有以本校学生为主的大学生基督徒聚会点,发展人数多的甚至会在同一所学校之中存在两至三个甚至更多的聚会点。笔者以城市为“田野”,以北京的某些大学的基督教聚会点以及这里的信徒们为研究对象,以宗教社会学的一些研究方法为调研手段,以宗教经济学的某些观点为理论依据,对他们的宗教信仰情况进行了较长期调查,参加了多个基督教团契和家庭教会的聚会活动,亲身感受了大学生基督教信徒们的宗教生活。本文从宏观上可以分为四个部分。第一部分为绪论,这一部分中,笔者开篇介绍了宗教社会学的特点和发展情况以及对被称为宗教社会学的“新范式”——罗德尼·斯达克的宗教经济学的一些观点,继而阐述了美国普度大学杨风岗教授提出的“宗教三色市场理论”。以“三色市场理论”中提到的“宗教灰色市场”而言,笔者的调研正是属于该范畴。在论文的第二部分(第一章、第二章)中,阐述了基督教家庭教会之所以存在的两个依据。其一来自于基督教信徒们创建和发展教会的神学理论层面的依据;其二,通过对家庭教会历史的阐述、从三自教会和家庭教会的关系这一现实依据入手,介绍了北京宗教灰色市场的整体情况。第三部分(第三章)是全篇论文的核心,笔者以“家”一词贯穿本章的始末,介绍大学生基督徒聚会点如何形成、其如何建构以及成员的角色扮演情况、聚会点中的宗教活动方式和信教之后对这些大学生的影响等几个方面。该部分包含了笔者调研的所有成果,是认识大学生基督徒以及他们所在的基督教聚会点的关键资料。最后一章作为结论,提出了笔者对于大学生的信教原因和信教方式的分析、对杨凤岗教授提出的“宗教三色市场理论”的反思以及对宗教的本质和未来等问题的思考。 Abstract: As a carrier of the western culture and also a religion mode, Protestantism has penetrated into the various fields in Chinese society after China's opening up. According to the statistics given by three-self Church in 2000, the number of the registered Christians is about 20,000,000, consisting of peasants, workers, businessmen, intellectuals and people of every walk of life. Besides, there are more Christians who are not registered in three-self Church. Based on the statistics given by some certain overseas institution, the number of Protestants in China is around 70,000,000, to 80,000,000, and even bigger. Among the college students, considered as the elites of China's construction, there are certain numbers of Christians. As for the colleges and universities in Beijing area, the numbers of the fellowship are directly proportional to the numbers of the colleges and universities. The fellowships are fairly common in most of the colleges and universities. In some of universities, there are 2 or 3 and even more fellowships.City as investigation field, the author take the fellowships of some universities in Beijing and Christian as study object. By using some research method in religious sociology, the author carried on the long-term investigation to their Christianity belief, based on certain viewpoints theoretically. During this period, the author attended quite afew parties held by fellowship and House Church and experienced the undergraduate's religious life. By some in-depth investigation and interview, within more than one year, the author collected a great deal of data about the fellowship of universities in Beijing. After careful analysis and arrangement, the dissertation tiled The Case Study on Undergraduate Fellowship in Beijing came into form. The dissertation includes four sections in general.The first one is preface, in which the author introduces the characteristics of religious sociology and the so called new mode ofreligious sociology—some viewpoints of religious economy fromRodney Stark. Then, the author elaborates the Red, Black, And Gray Markets OF Religion In China, raised by Professor. Yang Fenggang. Thus leads to the author's summarization on study objects. In section two(chapter 1, chapter 2), the author elaborates two basis for the existence of the House Church. The first one comes from religious basis for foundation and development of the church. For, to every Christian, the doctrines of Christianity are so indispensable for their life. Without the theological theoretical basis, religion will loose everything worthy of research. Secondly, by elaborating the history of House Church, the author introduces the overall situation of the gray market of religion in Beijing. The third section (chapter 3) is the core part of the dissertation. In this part; the word family runs trough the whole chapter. The writerintroduces the process of undergraduates' fellowship, the role of its members, religious activity means, and religion's influence on undergraduates. This section consists of all research achievements of the writer, and provides the key data about undergraduates and their fellowship. Lastly, as the conclusive part of the dissertation, section four provides analysis of reason for undergraduates' believing in Christianity, rethinking for triple market of religion raised by Yang Fenggang, and also prospect for future of religion. 目录章节: 北京市大学生基督徒聚会点个案研究摘要 4-6 ABSTRACT 6-8 绪论 9-17 一 到田野中去的宗教学 9-11 二 站在前人的肩膀上 11-14 三 中国宗教的三色市场 14-16 四 调研对象概况 16-17 第一章 中国基督教家庭教会存在的宗教依据 17-27 第一节 教会 17-21 一、教会——蒙神召的群体 17-18 二、教会的特点和宗旨——基督徒的使命 18-19 三、教会类型 19-21 第二节 家庭教会和团契 21-23 一、家庭——教会的基础 21-22 二、团契——教会的缩影 22-23 第三节 基督徒家庭聚会点的一般特点 23-26 一、形式简单 23-24 二、人员成分近似,便于沟通 24 三、有利于发挥“人人皆祭司”的精神 24-25 四、崇拜礼仪轻松 25 五、便于增长 25-26 第四节 基督徒家庭聚会点的一般活动方式 26-27 第二章 中国基督教家庭教会存在的现实依据 27-40 第一节 中国基督教家庭教会的历史 27-30 第二节 中国基督教三自教会与家庭教会的关系 30-33 第三节 北京市基督教的红色市场概况 33-37 第四节 北京市基督教的灰色市场 37-40 第三章 中国基督教家庭教会的个案研究 40-73 第一节 信徒们的“家” 40-43 一、国外信徒的资助 41-42 二、国内信徒的资助 42-43 三、学生自给自足 43 第二节 “家”的结构 43-58 一、教牧人员 44-47 二、带领者 47-52 三、“家”里的“弟兄姊妹” 52-55 四、全职传道人 55-56 五、慕道友 56-58 第三节 “家”里的活动 58-64 第四节 “家”外的活动 64-71 一、退修会 65-66 二、宣教 66-69 三、户外步祷 69-71 第五节 “家”中成员信教后的改变 71-73 第四章 思考与问题 73-90 第一节 关于大学生基督徒信教原因的思考 73-82 一、大学生信徒心理上的需要 73-77 二、家人信教以及外部环境的影响 77-79 三、对西方文化的追求 79-81 四、感性的选择 81-82 第二节 关于宗教三色市场理论的思考 82-86 第三节 关于宗教本质的思考 86-90 参考文献 90-93 附录 93-95 附录一 杨凤岗中国宗教的三色市场模型的三个命题 93 附录二 福音册子《四个属灵原则》 93-95 后记 95-97
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