【作者】潘江滨 【导师】林金水 【作者基本信息】福建师范大学,宗教学,2007年,硕士 【摘要】 教堂作为基督教教会的传教据点和战斗堡垒,他们的创建过程与发展脉络既是一部教会发展史,也是一部文化交流史。本文以福州地区的基督教教堂为主要考察对象,综合运用历史学、人类学和文化传播学的研究方法,以时间为横轴,地理为纵轴,对榕城基督教各派堂点的创建过程和发展脉络进行梳理,并着重分析了各派堂点的分布态势及其推动因素。同时,以美以美会在闽清的发展为个案,来探讨教会和传教据点向乡村地区扩张和辐射所表现出来的异同性;以福州花巷基督堂为个案,论述新时期下教会及其教堂的新发展,以及传教据点与周边社会的关系。本文写作旨在透过福州教堂分析其背后各种历史因素的作用,并为新时期基督教会及其教堂的建设与管理提供借鉴。 【Abstract】 Christian churches are churches and fortresses of the missionary position. The process of establishing those churches is not only the history of the development of civilization, but also cultural history of communication. Focusing on the main Christian churches in Fuzhou City, using history, communication and cultural anthropology research methods, the paper explores the establishment and development of Christian churches in Rong and analyzes the distribution trend and promoting factors of various factions. At the same time, the thesis takes the example of the development of Methodist Episcopal Mission in Minqing to discuss the similarities and differences of expansion of churches and missionary positionst to the rural areas; the example of Fuzhou Huaxiang Christian church is to present the new development of churches in a new era and the relationship of missionary position and surrounding community. In a word, this paper seeks to analyze various historical factors promoting churches in Fuzhou and provides some reference for the construction and management of Christian churches in a new era.