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图书名称: 关于明末对天主教批判与反批判的几点认识
整理时间: 2010-10-26
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图书简介: 作者】林俊敏 【导师】汤开建 【作者基本信息】暨南大学,中国古代史,2008年,硕士 【摘要】 明朝晚期,天主教进入中国,并作为中西文化交流的核心内容之一对中国的政治、社会、文化产生了多方位的影响。由于在利益上存在冲突,在观念上存在歧异,中国本土的保守势力对天主教的传入产生了强烈的抵触,他们在在行动上对天主教进行驱逐,在言论上对天主教进行批判,针对这些批判,传教士与知识阶层中的天主教徒作出了回应,从而形成了中国思想史上非常重要的一场大辩论。在这场辩论中双方提出了许多问题,其中许多问题至今尚未解决。本文的第一部分主要归纳在今日已有定论的问题,包括:一,辩论双方对天文、历法、地理等今日已归入科学范畴之问题的讨论;二,双方在佛教与天主教宗教渊源上的错误认识;三,双方在宗教礼仪之误会,尤其是批判天主教者对天主教礼仪的误会乃至曲解。本文的第二部分讨论的是至今尚未解决,但在预期中或可以解决之问题。这一类问题主要集中在政治、社会、风俗等领域,是开明派士大夫和保守派士大夫从不同角度对国家所面临的内忧外患所进行的思考。本文的第三部分试图触及当时士大夫们所讨论的义理层面的问题,包括在辩论中所展现的宗教设定问题以及中国传统思想对宗教的看法。 【Abstract】 In the Ming Dynasty later period,Catholicism enters China and had affected China's politics, society and the culture. Because both sides had the conflict in the benefit and had difference in the idea, Chinese native place old guard had had the intense contradiction to Catholicism. They was trying to banish missionaries from the country and criticized the doctrine of Catholic. In view of these critiques, missionaries and Chinese catholics had made a response. This debate is very important in Chinese philosophy history. Both sides has brought forward a lot of problem In this debate, and among them a lot of problem is resolved so far not yet.Part I part of this Master's thesis is mainly about the problem having final conclusion, Include: One, debate on both sides discussion to problem of already being classified into science category today such as astronomy , calendar , geographical feature; Two, wrong both sides cognition on Buddhism and Catholic religion origin; Three, both sides misin terprets and even in misapprehension, especially criticizing the Catholic person misapprehension to Catholic etiquette of religious observances.Part II part of the main body of a book is discussed is problem of solving so far not yet, but solving in expecting to be hit by or being able to. This kind of problem is concentrated on fields such as politics , society , custom mainly. They are the thinkings that enlightened faction literati and officialdom and literati and officialdom of conservatives carry out on internal and external troubles institute been confronted with by the country never with the angle.Part III part of the main body of a book tries to touch the problem that argumentation discussed by literati and officialdom face tier at that time, including view in debating on religion displayed by middle setting up problem and Chinese tradition thought to religion.
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