论文标题试论拉丁美洲解放神学与马克思主义哲学 Elementary Chinese Comprehensive Course Answering Networks 论文作者肖云论文导师刘李伟,论文学位硕士,论文专业马克思主义哲学论文单位华南师范大学,点击次数6,论文页数44页File Size1868k 2002-07-01科学解释;解释相关性;语用学;语境;语境相关性;言语行为 the Nature";"the Mind ";"to fulfil mind then to achieve nature 20 世纪60年代,在拉丁美洲天主教内部出现了解放神学运动,此运动以“优先拣选穷人”和“解放”为宗旨,对教会教义重新赋予具有时代特征的新解释,并借鉴马克思主义哲学当中的有关内容来参与建构自身的理论。尤其是在其核心概念——“解放”的论述以及社会价值选择的倾向上更体现出解放神学对马克思主义哲学的某些理论的借鉴和吸收。因此,本文试从这两方面着手考察解放神学与马克思主义哲学之间的相关性,尝试对理论建构及实践执行的矛盾问题及马克思主义哲学的适用问题做出进一步探讨。论文由四部分组成;第一部分,对解放神学形成的背景、发展状况、代表人物、理论特征及其影响做出概述性介绍;第二部分,围绕解放神学的核心概念——“解放”,对解放的主体、实现途径及其与“人的发展”的关系问题做出探讨;第三部分,从解放神学的社会价值选择出发,与社会主义价值观相比较分析,指出其价值选择的局限性所在;第四部分,对理论建构与实践执行之间的矛盾问题,以及马克思主义哲学的适用问题进行进一步的探讨。 Liberation Theology comes out from Catholicism inside since 1960s. It has an ultimate goal the "liberation" of the poor and "option for the poor". Liberation Theology explain the biblical again and use some standpoint of Marxism for reference, especially on discuss about the point "liberation" and "opt of value". There are four parts in thesis. Part 1, it will have an overview of the history of Liberation Theology and liberation theologians. Introduce the main themes in liberation theology. Part 2, this part discussed the subject of liberation and way to realize the liberation goal, compared "liberation" with "development>of human". Part 3, compared "opt of value" in liberation theology with socialist view of value, point out the limitation of the liberation opts. Part 4, two questions are put forward. First one, contradictory is exist between theory with practice. Second one is concerning the suitability of Marxism.