天主教哈尔滨宗座署理区 2022年将临期牧函 上主!凡期望祢的人,决不会蒙羞。(参咏二十五 3) 亲爱的主内兄弟姐妹们: 天主的计划是和平而不是灾祸,为赐给我们充满希望的前途。(参耶二十九 11)我们须要在这重光耀的视角下,面对我们目前所经历的考验:无论是疫情的影响,还是教会团体的艰 困,甚或是生活、学习、工作上的窘境。历史长河中的种种过往与未来的人世沧桑都将时过境迁,唯有天主对我们爱的召叫和计划会陪伴人类走向荣福的圆满。每个人在世间的生活都不容易,但也只有在心志的劳苦之后,我们才会委顺和谦卑地举心向上。这是基督十字架痛苦的奥迹,祂的复活就是在这坚忍和爱的顶峰中领受的。我们作为人类大家庭中的一员,虽然软弱,但却蒙福而不孤单,因为“降生成人”的天主“厄玛奴耳”始终与我们同行,扶助我们,不使我们被困难、痛苦和失败所压倒:“看!我同你们天天在一起,直到今世的终结。”(玛二十八 20)我们所信仰的耶稣基督,“不是一位不能同情我们弱点的大司祭,而是一位在各方面与我们相似,受过试探的,只是没有罪过。所以,我们要怀着依恃之心,走近恩宠的宝座,以获得仁慈,寻到恩宠,作及时的扶助。” (希四 15-16) 三年的新冠疫情一直让我们在“不安全”、“不稳定”中生活,对平安和幸福的本能寻求,催迫人去渴望或找寻通往美好前景的途径,以此重获希望。其实,基督徒所要期待的只有一位,祂就是随身带着“报酬”而来的主耶稣,“祂将对历史作出决定性的发言。我们将知悉整个创世工程和救恩计划的终极意义,同时将明白天主的眷顾,怎样通过奇妙的途径,引导万有迈向最后的目标。最后审判要启示天主的正义,胜于任何受造物所行的不义,因为祂的爱比死亡更强烈。”(《天主教教理》1040)这样看来,人类真正的希望就在于认识主耶稣基督,祂不但要给我们指出“更丰富生命”的道路,还要偕同软弱的人一同前行,赐给我们在生活中的各种灵感和动力。圣保禄宗徒更直截了当地劝勉和鼓励基督徒说:“你们在主内应当常常喜乐,我再说:你们应当喜乐!你们的宽仁应当叫众人知道:主快来了。你们什么也不要挂虑,只在一切事上,以恳求和祈祷,怀着感谢之心,向天主呈上你们的请求;这样,天主那超乎各种意想的平安,必要在基督耶稣内固守你们的心思念虑。此外,弟兄们!凡是真实的,凡是高尚的,凡是正义的,凡是纯洁的,凡是可爱的,凡是荣誉的,不管是美德,不管是称誉:这一切你们都该思念;凡你们在我身上所学得的,所领受的,所听见的,所看到的;这一切你们都该实行:这样,赐平安的天主必与你们同在。(斐四 4-9)基督徒不应“躺平”、“内卷involution”和“润run”(辞职、跑路),我们总是希望的见证人,我们的宠召决定了我们的身份是“光”、“盐”和“酵母”,是在各种环境下看顾弟兄的人;因为人的爱德行为总能让社会和人群感受到天主的临在,祂是一切人渴望的美好本身和溢彩! 将临期是一个“准备”的时期,但更重要的是一个“等待”的时期,就像孕妇期待待产的新生命一样。耶稣没有告诉我们祂要来的具体时间,但启示给了我们祂来的“确定性”;任何探讨和预言末世时刻的行为都是荒谬无稽和故弄玄虚。主耶稣不是要令我们战战兢兢的生活,而是要让我们醒寤准备,等待祂的来临。“等待”需要“坚忍”,这其中包含着信赖、警醒、积极、乐观、勤奋和专注;身为“望德之母”的圣母玛利亚一定会教导我们基督徒如何“在绝望中仍怀着希望而相信”天主的应许。(罗四 18)不要让愚昧的声音、无聊的话语和抱怨的情绪充斥我们期望时的沉默空间,而要让真实的天主圣言在我们的生活中不断回荡。祂犹如不落的太阳,让我们成为“光明之子”。 亲爱的主内兄弟姐妹们!教宗方济各教导我们,基督徒的警醒等待有一个“基本成分”、“一个秘诀”,那就是祈祷。祈祷让心灵的灯长燃不熄,尤其是当我们感到热情正在消退时,祈祷会点燃这热情,把我们带到天主前,带到事物的中心。(参教宗方济各2021年11月28日三钟经讲道)我祝愿兄弟姐妹们在信仰和人生中不迷路、不麻木和不平庸,拥有一个美妙的将临期、新年和属神的新生命!愿天主与你们同在! 天主教哈尔滨宗座署理区 宗座署理 赵宏春若瑟神父 2022年11月25日
2022 Advent Pastoral Letter from Apostolic Administrator of Harbin Catholic District Lord! Do not let those who wait for you be put to shame.(see Psm.25:3) Dear brothers and sisters in the Lord, God's plan is peace, not disaster, to give us a future with hope.(see Jer.29:11) We need to face the test that we are experiencing at present in this shining perspective: whether it is the impact of the epidemic, the difficulties of the church groups, or even the difficulties in life, study and work. All the past and future,and vicissitudes of future in the long river of history will change. Only God's call and plan of love for us will accompany mankind to consummation of the blessed. Life on earth is not easy for everyone, but it is only after the fatigue of the mind that we will be submissive and humble to raise our hearts. This is the mystery of the sufferings of the Cross of Christ. His resurrection was received in this peak of patience and love. As a member of the human family, although weak, we are blessed and not alone, because the God "Emanuel", who was born into man, always walks with us and helps us to prevent us from being overwhelmed by difficulties, suffering and failures:“Look! I am with you always, to the end of the age.”(see Mat. 28:20) Jesus Christ, who we trust “ not a high priest who is unable to sympathize with our weaknesses, but we have one who in every respect has been tested as we are, yet without sin. Let us therefore approach the throne of grace with boldness,so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help in time of need” (Heb. 4:15-16) For three years, the COVID-19 has kept us living in "insecurity" and "instability". Our instinctive pursuit of peace and happiness urges people to yearn or find ways to a better future, so as to regain hope.In fact, there is only one person that Christians should expect. He is the Lord Jesus who will come with "reward", "He will make a decisive statement on history. We will know the ultimate significance of the whole creation project and salvation plan, and at the same time, we will understand how God's care can lead everything to the final goal through wonderful ways. The final judgment should reveal God's justice, which is better than any injustice committed by any creature, because his love is stronger than death." (Catholic Doctrine 1040) In this way, the real hope of human beings is to know the Lord Jesus Christ. He will not only point out the way to "enrich life", but also walk with the weak and give us all kinds of inspiration and motivation in life. The apostles of St. Paul more directly encouraged and encouraged Christians to say:“Rejoice in the Lord always; again I say, Rejoice. Let your gentleness be known to everyone. The Lord is near. Be anxious for nothing; but in every thing by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus. Finally, beloved, whatever is true, whatever is honourable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever Is pleasing , whatever is commendable; if there is any excellence and if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things. Keep on doing the things that you have learned and received and heard and seen in me, and the God of peace will be with you.” (Phl.4:4-9) Christians cannot "lie down", "involution" or "run" (resignation, departure). We are always the witnesses of hope. Our calling determines our identity as "light", "salt" and "yeast", as those who care for their brethren in all circumstances. Because people's benevolent behavior can always make the society and the crowd feel the presence of God, He is the beauty itself and the radiance that all men desire! Advent is a period of "preparation", but more important is a period of "waiting", just like a pregnant woman looks forward to a new life. Jesus does not tell us when He will come, but the revelation gives us the "certainty" of His coming; Any discussion and prediction of the end times is absurd and mystifying. The Lord Jesus does not want us to live in fear, but to watch and prepare for His coming. "Waiting" requires "perseverance", which includes trust, vigilance, positivity, optimism, diligence and concentration; As the "mother of virtue", the Holy Mary will certainly teach us Christians how to "believe in God's promise with hope in despair". (Rom.4: 18)Don't let foolish voices, boring words and complaints fill the silence space we expect, but let the true God's Word reverberate in our lives. He is like the sun that never sets, making us "children of light". Dear brothers and sisters in the Lord! Pope Francis teaches us that there is a "basic element" and a "secret" to Christian vigilance and waiting, and that is prayer. Prayer keeps the light of the soul burning, especially when we feel our enthusiasm is fading. It ignites it and brings us to God, to the center of things. (See Pope Francis' sermon on November 28, 2021) I wish, my brothers and sisters, to not get lost, numb and mediocre in faith and life, and that we will have a wonderful coming day, a new year and a new life belonging to God! May God be with you!
Apostolic Administrator of Harbin Catholic District Apostolic Administrator Zhao Hongchun Father Joseph November 25, 2022 |