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时间:2023-04-10  来源:香港教区  作者: 点击:
「耶稣于是对他们说:『唉!无知的人哪!为信先知们所说的一切话,你们的心竟是这般迟钝! 默西亚不是必须受这些苦难,才进入他的光荣吗?』」(路24:25-26)
以「一颗迟钝的心来信」基督复活所带来的喜乐,会使我们迟迟才能看到希望。基督耶稣已经战胜了那看似无可避免的死亡。他的复活为我们的信心带来保证,死亡没有、也不可能拥有最终话语权。因为复活意味着「任何受造之物,都不能使我们与主基督耶稣之内的爱相隔绝」(参罗马书 8:31-39)。因此,我们的盼望是建基于天主惊人的爱之上,而这爱就在主基督为世上众生而复活所彰显的。

Easter Message 2023

Dare to Have Hope“And he said to them, “Oh, how foolish you are! How slow of heart to believe all that the prophets spoke! Was it not necessary that the Messiah should suffer these things and enter into his glory?” (Luke 24:25-26)
“Slow of heart to believe” in the joy of Easter makes us slow to have hope. Christ Jesus has overcome the seemingly inevitable grip of death. His resurrection assures us the confidence that death does not and cannot have the final say. For Easter means that ‘nothing will separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus our Lord.’ (Romans 8: 31-39). Hence, our hope has its foundation in the amazing love of God manifested in the risen Lord for all walks of life in this world.
What is advisable is not to allow hardship or evil thoughts to corrupt our hearts or crush our spirits, lest we could become agents of death. What is called for is “a positive and life-giving culture” that enables us to face hardships in life in some constructive and sustainable ways. Moreover, we need a positive culture so to become incubators of hope and transformation.
It is a fact that many people in Hong Kong are still struggling for hope amid their ongoing suffering. As the economy has just begun to pick up, many people struggling at the lower socioeconomic strata still need assistance and the psychological boost from their social communities and “neighbours”. These individuals should not be perceived as burdens of society but as intermediaries of heavenly blessings on those who come to their aid.
So, for those who do not need their consumer vouchers, there are those whose spirit will be lifted by the generous sharing of their few thousand dollars. Imagine how much consolation, confidence and hope their sharing can make possible for the ones in need of those extra dollars. God has emptied Himself for us so that we can be eternally consoled in His name and love.
From news reports published in last December, there were around 6,000 arrests due to the violent outbreaks in 2019. They are waiting to see whether the police will charge them or not. When will they see the light? Charge or no charge, they will be signs showing them how to move on. Waiting endlessly will not help them or our society to move toward healing. Some may want to seek justice through retributive means. However, it is through compassion and leniency on lighter offences that can give hope and positive energy to our wounded community. We have seen how hatred and violence have brought the stench of death to our beloved Hong Kong. Now, we should lean on compassion and magnanimity to reinforce the fragrance of life in our recovering Hong Kong.
Caring for the elderly, especially those “left behind” or living alone must be a priority. Connecting with those who care about them will enable them to feel a deeper sense of generativity for others, being appreciated by others, and being connected with the youth, the extension of their future. All these will contribute to a better sense of connectedness and hope, and the meaning of life. It should not be surprising that youth and the elderly are better fit for each other than the other age groups for them.
We have been bidding farewell to many friends and family members who have left or decided to leave Hong Kong for their aspirations. While we wish them all the best, their departure has created noticeable voids in different layers of our social fabric that are not easy to fill. And we do not know when those voids will be filled. But we can be hopeful that our God, who has bestowed His blessings over Hong Kong throughout our history, will not abandon us who call upon Him sincerely, seeking for a fairer and freer homeland for everyone dwelling in it.
Finally, we are living in an anxious and messy world dominated by an entrenched political mentality through power plays, bullying, accusations, threats and sanctions, etc. We desire a new world with level playing fields, empathy and respect, dialogic culture, loving kindness, unity in plurality, better distributions of resources, environmental consciousness, etc. Of course, we are not so naïve to expect dramatic positive changes, but incremental development with sincere and strategic efforts will be nice.
Our future generations need to have hope from us. We must make it possible for each other to have hope for a better future.
Happy Easter to you all in Hong Kong and beyond!
 + Bishop Stephen Chow, S.J.25 March 2023Solemnity of the Annunciation of the Lord
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