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时间:2014-08-03  来源:赵建敏的博客  作者: 点击:1254

CathedralThe current building is a Romanesque structure with later Gothic and Baroque additions. The early chapel, built in the 9th century by order of King Alfonso II (791-842) to house the remains of the Apostle discovered in 814 AD, was erected in 829 AD on the same site of the old church of Antealtare and later was expanded. From the creation of this early chapel was born of the city. In 997 the early chapel was reduced to ashes by Almanzur. The construction of the present cathedral began in 1075 under the reign of Alfonso VI and with discontinuity was completed in 1122, but was only consecrated in 1128. The monumental fountain in front of the north portal was constructed in 1122. The cathedral was expanded and embellished with additions in the 15th, 16th, 17th and 18th centuries.

The plan of the cathedral is a Latin cross, with three naves and side chapels that runs around the perimeter. For example, the beautiful and endearing "Corticela Chapel" and the "Chapel of the Holy Spirit" founded in the 13th century, the "Chapel of the Communion or the Sacred Heart" built in the 15th century, the "Chapel of the Christ of Burgos" in the mid-seventeenth century.

The cathedral has three facades corresponding to the three squares, respectively in the west facade, the south facade and the north facade.

The west facadethe Obradoiro is created as the main entrance of the cathedral. The current Baroque facade was completed in 1740, which replaced the early medieval one, with two large bell towers. The most important architecture within the west facade is the “Portico de la Gloria”, the Romanesque style door completed in 1188 by Master Mateo. The Portico de la Gloria is shaped with iconographic representation of the Apocalypse of John. It is structured into three round arches supported by thick piers with pilasters. The one on the left represents the Jewish people expected the arrival of Christ in the limbo of the just. The central one, has a tympanum and is divided by a central column, representing the glory as of the righteous, is chaired by the majestic figure of Christ in the tympanum, surrounded by the symbolic figures of the four evangelists. The central archivolt is decorated with the 24 elders with their music instruments. In the central pillar, it is the figure of St. James, and with the middle portion consists of columns adorned with statues of the Apostles as well as the lower part is formed by the bases of the columns, decorated with fantastic animals. Finally, the arch on the right refers to the unbelievers, which will be submitted to all men. Unfortunately, the 18th century Baroque air marred the Romanesque exterior originality.

      The facade of the south (the Silversmiths) is almost in its original condition with two arched entrance. It is the only Romanesque facade preserved in the cathedral, which was built between 1103 and 1117 and during subsequent centuries have been adding some elements. Archivolts are over eleven columns attached, three are white marble (the middle and end) and the other granite. The relief in the tympanum of the left door Christ appears tempted by a group of demons, and also has other figures such as the creation of Adam. In the tympanum of the right door several scenes from the Passion of Christ and the adoration of the Magi appeared.

The current facade of the north (Azabachería) is a design in the Neoclassical style with Baroque elements built in the 18th century (1769). The original Romanesque portal in 1122 was demolished after a fire in 1758. Some sculptural pieces that survived were moved to the portal of the south. At the very top of the façade is statue of St. James of the 18th century, with two kings at his feet in prayer. In the center of the facade is the statue of Jesus Christ holding the chalice on the right hand and the cross on the left hand.

Besides these three facades, there are another two nice portals. One is the Royal gate in the Baroque style started in 1666 and finished in 1700. The Royal gate, framed with great Tuscan columns with two floors and a balustrade, has the large pinnacles, and it is the entrance for the royal family. The other is called holy door or door of forgiveness, and is closed to the stairs and only opens in certain days. Above the portal, there are three sculptures in the niches, dressed all in pilgrims, the middle one is Santiago. In the both sides of the lower body there are twenty figures of prophets and apostles.

The interior of the church preserves its original barrel-vaulted cruciform Romanesque style. The nave is covered by a barrel vault of a Romanesque origin, and the aisles by groin vaults. Every clustered pier is flanked by semi-columns. The two organs located in the central part of the upper reaches out to the main nave. They were manufactured in 1708 and 1712. The chapel of Pillar, as one example of the chapels, is formed in 1694 by the union of two ancient chapels. The altarpieces of the central image of the Virgen del Pilar is stone, and surrounded by four figures of Saints. The chapel has an octagonal dome with a lantern adorned with carvings of military and heraldic motifs. The painting of the walls of the chapel is the work in 1719.

 Particularly should be mentioned is the swing of the "Botafumeiro" above the main altar located in the center of the Latin cross. It is created by the goldsmith Jose Losada in 1851 with a pulley mechanism to swing it. It is the largest censer in the world, weighing 80 kg and measuring 1.60 m in height. It is only used during certain important religious feasts and some pilgrims’ Masses, filled with 40 kg of charcoal and incense. Eight purple-robed tiraboleiros pull the ropes and bring it into a swinging motion of reaching almost the roof of the transept and dispensing thick clouds of incense.  



西大门是教堂的正门。 现今的巴洛克风格前脸完工于1740年,替代了早期中世纪的前脸,有两个巨大的钟楼。最重要的艺术建筑是西边前脸正门内的“荣耀之门”,罗马式风格,由建筑大师马特奥完成于1188年。荣耀之门主要雕饰图案源自圣若望的《默示录》。它有三个半圆拱形门洞,由厚重的圆形门柱支撑。左边门洞的雕饰以在阴府灵薄狱中的犹太人期待基督的来临为主题。中间的门洞代表着光荣与胜利,由一个中间竖柱分开,上面是一个巨大的门楣。门楣中间是天国的基督,四周饰以四部福音书的象征图案(人,狮,牛,鹰),其上的穹窿则雕饰着手拿不同乐器的24位长老(《默示录》所记载)。中间竖柱上是圣雅各伯的雕像,两边门柱的同等高度上是宗徒们的雕像,门柱底部的柱墩上则雕饰着奇异的怪兽图案。右边门洞的雕饰以欢迎尚未信仰的人群为主题。可惜的是,18世纪的巴洛克风格雕饰多少破坏了原初的罗马式风格雕刻。










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