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薛恩博枢机 将临期第一主日

时间:2009-11-29  来源:真理电台  作者:薛恩博枢机 点击:1132

路加福音 廿一25~2834~36 The Gospel of Luke 21:25~28, 34~36
耶稣对门徒们说∶“在日月星辰上,将有异兆出现;在地上,万国要因海洋波涛的怒号而惊惶失措。众人要因恐惧,等待即将临于天下的事而昏绝,因为诸天的万象将要动摇。那时,他们要看见人子,带着威能及莫大光荣乘云降来。这些事开始发生时,你们应当挺起身来,抬起你们的头,因为你们的救援近了。” [At that time, Jesus said to His disciples,] "There will be signs in sun and moon and stars, and upon the earth distress of nations in perplexity at the roaring of the sea and the waves, men fainting with fear and with foreboding of what is coming on the world; for the powers of the heavens will be shaken.  And then they will see the Son of man coming in a cloud with power and great glory.  Now when these things begin to take place, look up and raise your heads, because your redemption is drawing near....
“你们应当谨慎,免得你们的心为宴饮沉醉,及人生的挂虑所累时,那意想不到的日子临于你们,因为那日子有如罗网,临于全地面的一切居民。所以,你们应当时时醒寤祈祷,为使你们能逃脱即将发生的这一切事,并能立于人子之前。” "But take heed to yourselves lest your hearts be weighed down with dissipation and drunkenness and cares of this life, and that day come upon you suddenly like a snare; for it will come upon all who dwell upon the face of the whole earth.  But watch at all times, praying that you may have strength to escape all these things that will take place, and to stand before the Son of man."





A Different Adven



薛恩博枢机 着


今天是将临期第一主日,我们点燃将临圈上的第一枝蜡烛。然而将临期市场、圣诞节购物季早就开始了,他们才没有耐心等到今天咧。诺大的圣诞树已经在维也纳市政大厅前矗立了好一阵子,不少地方的圣诞灯已经点亮几个星期了,就连热饮的摊位也没有等到将临期就现身了。他们为甚么要等呢?他们根本与将临期无关。 The First Sunday in Advent: the first candle is burning on the Advent wreath.  The Advent markets and the Christmas shopping began long ago, of course.  They no long wait patiently for dear old Advent.  The great Christmas tree has already been standing in front of the Rathaus in Vienna for quite a while.  In many places, the Christmas lights were hung out weeks ago.  The refreshment stands did not wait for the First Sunday in Advent, either.  And why should they?  They don't really have anything to do with Advent.
在这个追求速效的急惊风时代,我们还有甚么好等的呢?每件事情都必须立时就位、唾手可得。我们到底还能不能按部就班地等待适当时刻的来临呢?各种农作物、水和蔬菜四季上市变得理所当然,昔日等待的乐趣已经荡然无存了。 Why should we wait at all, in our impatient age?  Everything always has to be there at once, be available for us straightaway.  Are we still capable of waiting for the right time?  All kinds of crops, and fruits, and vegetables are supposed to be equally available at all times of the year.  And thus the pleasure of waiting for things is lost.
然而将临期本身的重点就是等待。将临期意味着“来临”。它在准备一个来临;更确切地说,为一位即将来临的人作准备。不过,我们等待的对象并非“圣诞老人”,那纯粹是为了排斥圣婴,而被杜撰出来的虚拟人物。将临期是圣婴来临的准备期。在未来几周等候的日子里,我们的心神应当向往基督在白冷(伯利恒)简陋的马棚中降生的那个平安、圣善的夜晚,将临期因此是一段非常动人的时光。不少人在这期间天不亮即起身,去圣堂参加“拂晓烛光弥撒”,在清晨就体验将临期的喜乐。 Yet Advent has to do with waiting.  Advent means "coming."  It is preparing for a coming or, more accurately, for someone who is going to come.  It is not waiting for the "Christmas man," that strange mixture of Santa Claus, Saint Nicholas, and Father Frost, who has been invented in order to push the Christ child into the background.  Advent is preparing for the coming of the Christ child.  The expectation of the coming days and weeks is directed toward the silent, holy night of His birth in the poor stall at Bethlehem, and that makes Advent such a lovely time.  Many people experience the joy of Advent when they take part in a Rorate Mass early in the morning in our churches.
如此一来,我们将看到将临期的另一面,也就是今天福音所指出的这一面。将临期不仅仅是为了纪念耶稣的降生,在各处放置圣婴马槽做象征;这也是下意识盼望基督第二次来临的时期,有一天 将“带着威能及莫大光荣乘云降来”。 Then, of course, we see a quite different side of Advent, the one addressed by today's Gospel.  It is not just a matter of remembering Jesus' birth, which is represented everywhere by the crib.  This is also the time for consciously looking forward to the second coming of Christ "with power and
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