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时间:2011-09-30  来源:Lugano译 洛奇修订  作者:科赫枢机 点击:



枢机说道,事实上教宗正在发起新的一次礼仪改革运动,并且认为那些对抗是此改革的“强硬” 进步派人士,错谬地将梵二大公会议视为对教会的礼仪传统作出割裂之举。

科赫枢机在一个有关《历任教宗》宗座信函的罗马研讨会上作出上述评论。该宗座信函是教宗本笃十六世于2007年发出,旨在为“特殊形式”的罗马礼(译者注: 即脱利腾弥撒礼)的运用提供更宽松的空间。枢机所作评论的完整版同日刊印在罗马观察家报上。

科赫枢机表示,教宗本笃认为梵二后的礼仪改革既产生 “许多积极的成果”,但也带来不少问题,比如热衷于纯粹实际事务,而忽视了感恩庆典中的逾越奥迹。他续说,我们可以合理地问,是否某些礼仪创新者所作的改革已故意超出了梵二会议所明确制定的意向范畴。


科赫枢机指出,《历任教宗》宗座信函 “仅是这场新礼仪运动的序曲”。

“事实上,教宗本笃深知,从长远来看我们不能让罗马礼的“普遍形式”(译者注: 即梵二后新礼仪)及 “特殊形式” 处于并立共存的状态便止步,但在未来教会将自然地再需要一个共同礼仪。”



在研讨会的最后一天,与会者在圣伯多禄大殿的宗座祭台上举行了脱利腾弥撒,由华特. 布兰德慕肋枢机主祭。这是数十年来首次用此祭台以旧礼举行弥撒。



Pope's 'reform of the reform' in liturgy to continue, cardinal says

Cardinal Koch (CNS/Paul Haring)
By John Thavis
Catholic News Service

VATICAN CITY (CNS) -- Pope Benedict XVI's easing of restrictions on use of the 1962 Roman Missal, known as the Tridentine rite, is just the first step in a "reform of the reform" in liturgy, the Vatican's top ecumenist said.

The pope's long-term aim is not simply to allow the old and new rites to coexist, but to move toward a "common rite" that is shaped by the mutual enrichment of the two Mass forms, Cardinal Kurt Koch, president of the Pontifical Council for Promoting Christian Unity, said May 14.

In effect, the pope is launching a new liturgical reform movement, the cardinal said. Those who resist it, including "rigid" progressives, mistakenly view the Second Vatican Council as a rupture with the church's liturgical tradition, he said.

Cardinal Koch made the remarks at a Rome conference on "Summorum Pontificum," Pope Benedict's 2007 apostolic letter that offered wider latitude for use of the Tridentine rite. The cardinal's text was published the same day by L'Osservatore Romano, the Vatican newspaper.

Cardinal Koch said Pope Benedict thinks the post-Vatican II liturgical changes have brought "many positive fruits" but also problems, including a focus on purely practical matters and a neglect of the paschal mystery in the Eucharistic celebration. The cardinal said it was legitimate to ask whether liturgical innovators had intentionally gone beyond the council's stated intentions.

He said this explains why Pope Benedict has introduced a new reform movement, beginning with "Summorum Pontificum." The aim, he said, is to revisit Vatican II's teachings in liturgy and strengthen certain elements, including the Christological and sacrificial dimensions of the Mass.

Cardinal Koch said "Summorum Pontificum" is "only the beginning of this new liturgical movement."

"In fact, Pope Benedict knows well that, in the long term, we cannot stop at a coexistence between the ordinary form and the extraordinary form of the Roman rite, but that in the future the church naturally will once again need a common rite," he said.

"However, because a new liturgical reform cannot be decided theoretically, but requires a process of growth and purification, the pope for the moment is underlining above all that the two forms of the Roman rite can and should enrich each other," he said.

Cardinal Koch said those who oppose this new reform movement and see it as a step back from Vatican II lack a proper understanding of the post-Vatican II liturgical changes. As the pope has emphasized, Vatican II was not a break or rupture with tradition but part of an organic process of growth, he said.

On the final day of the conference, participants attended a Mass celebrated according to the Tridentine rite at the Altar of the Chair in St. Peter's Basilica. Cardinal Walter Brandmuller presided over the liturgy. It was the first time in several decades that the old rite was celebrated at the altar.

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