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时间:2010-12-06  来源:圣神研究中心  作者: 点击:1227

Questionnaire for the Self-Assessment of the Formation

in Catholic Major Seminaries






Preliminary Remarks

Purpose of Questionnaire

The Commission for the Catholic Church in China, since the beginning of its work in 2007, has been concerned with the formation in the Major Seminaries in China. This Questionnaire aims at reaching a general assessment I) of the Formation guidelines followed by the formators and II) of the objective situation in Major Seminaries. Some questions are also added on III) Vocational Discernment and IV) Admission of the candidates to the seminary.

This Questionnaire, based upon the general standard for any Catholic Major Seminary in the world, is recommended to be used for the assessment of Major Seminaries in China by concerned Church authorities.








1. 培育者所依据的培育指引;

2. 中国各大修院之客观实况。


3. 圣召辨别;

4. 大修院候选人的录取要求


1.      Levels and Ways of Conducting the Questionnaire

* The first and the most basic level is from the inside of the Seminary itself. The second level would require “someone” (e.g. a formator from another Seminary) outside the Seminary who acts in a friendly way as a “Visitor”. The first two levels are meant to collect information (both from inside and outside). The third level is that of interpreting the responses to the questionnaire by relevant Church authorities .

 * All Respondents should provide name, position, age, years in priesthood (if applicable)



* 问卷分三个层次进行:首先,最基本的从修院本身开始。其次,邀请一位本修院以外的人士(例如:另一修院的培育者)前来作友好善意的评估。这两层次评估的目的,是为了收集信息(包括本身及外来观察所得)。第三,由有关的教会权威阐释回复问卷的意见。

* 所有问卷回复者,必须填写姓名、年龄、晋铎年资(如果合适)。


2.      Confidentiality and Cautiousness

The assessment itself is a delicate matter. Due caution is to be taken so as to give confidence to people who provide information.






I)  Formation Guidelines


A.     Basic Belief



By Formation we mean a journey of faith in which a seminarian experiences a joyous response to God’s call through the process of discernment, human and spiritual development.



A journey of faith means that the seminarian is an active subject, who, nourished by his faith, cooperates with God in shaping of his own personality in light of Jesus Christ, the model of Priest. The journey though indicating a life-long process will be better divided into two stages: initial formation (within the context of Seminary) and on-going formation after the priestly ordination.



God’s call, here, specifically points to the priestly vocation.



Joyous response indicates the quality of this journey.



Process is ruled by principles of human maturation, namely graduality, differentiation (in terms of time and contents), models, and accompaniment by formators.



Discernment, here, means heightening awareness of being called, interpreting signs arising from daily life, and increasing joy and enthusiasm.



Development refers to cultivating abilities both spiritually and pastorally.



A.     Question: Do you find that the following are commonly accepted by the Seminary:



1.      Formation is a journey of faith in which a seminarian is to experience grace in his response to God’s Call.                                                                                                                                                        Yes No

2.      The journey though indicating a life-long process will be better divided into two stages: initial formation (within the context of Seminary) and on-going formation after the priestly ordination.                                                 Yes No  

3.      Formation consists in the process of personal development and discernment.

                                                                                                                               Yes No   

4.      The seminarian is held primarily responsible for his own formation by interiorizing God’s grace in joy and enthusiasm.                                                                                                                         Yes No  

5.      Formation takes place through the collaboration among the seminarian himself, his peers, his spiritual director, his formators, teachers, etc.                                                                                  Yes No

6.      Formation progress is expressed in a written Annual Report based on fraternal conversations to be submitted to the Bishop.                                                                                                            Yes No

7.      Seminary is primarily a place of cultivating genuine human relations and should foster family spirit: mutual care and love.                                                                                                      Yes No

8.      Seminary development program fosters the formation of future priests by attending specifically four dimensions: human, spiritual, intellectual, and pastoral.                                                 Yes No


  1. 培育是信仰旅程,修生要经验到一份对天主召叫之响应的恩宠。       
  2. 信仰旅程尽管是毕生的过程,但最好分为两个阶段:初期培育(在修院受训阶段)和晋铎后的持续培育。                                                
  3. 培育就在于人格发展和明辨过程。                                    
  4. 修生本人是培育他自己的主要负责人,他要怀着喜悦和热诚,使天主的恩宠内在化。                                                              
  5. 培育透过修生本身、友侪、神修指导者、培育者与老师等之间合作而产生。                                                                    是□      否□

6.      培育的进展要根据弟兄般的交谈,书面记录在《年度报告》内,并呈交给主教存阅。                                                                       

7.      修院主要是培养真诚人际关系,以及促进家庭精神的地方:彼此关怀和爱护。                                                                                   

  1. 修院发展计划促进未来神父的培育,要特别注重人格、灵修、知识、牧民四个领域的培育。                                                                 


B. Human Formation


The human personality of the priest is to be a bridge for others in their meeting with Jesus. As the humanity of the Word made flesh was the instrumentum salutis, so the humanity of a priest is instrumental in mediating the redemptive gifts.

Human formation includes all those elements pertaining to human development, and in particular, physical fitness (health), affection (sexual awareness, friendship, intimacy, and sense of belonging), self-knowledge, self-acceptance, self-gift, and capability to properly deal with different kinds of people and situations.


 司铎的人格,要成为别人与耶稣相遇的桥梁。圣言成了血肉的人性是“救恩工具”(instrumentum salutis),所以司铎的人性是传达救赎恩赐的工具。



B. Question: Do you find the following elements in your seminary?



1.      Nutrition /food is sufficiently healthy and well taken care of.               Yes No

2.      There are space and times for outdoor sports / physical training.           Yes No

3.      At least seven hours are daily allotted to “sleep” and ‘rest’.               Yes No

4.      Time is allotted to “manual work” (including house chores).                Yes No

5.      There are programs designed for the development of basic qualities for Self-Emotional Control and Affective Maturity, Friendship and Relation, Celibacy and Chastity.

      Yes           No      Which ones?




6.      There are programs designed for the development of the capability of properly dealing with people and things (Poverty and Simplicity of life, Obedience and Service, Duty and Responsibility, Cooperation and Team Building, Public speech and communication, Stewardship of material properties).     Yes      No     Which ones?  

7.      There are persons who can contribute to human formation: Coordinator or Director for Human Formation, Psychological Counselor                                                 Yes No Who?

8.      There are periodical assessments of the effectiveness of human formation programs, the progress of the seminarians:                                                                                      Yes No How often?



1. 有足够营养或健康食物和照顾。                                  

2. 修院有空间和时间作户外运动或体能训练。                     

3. 每天至少有七小时“睡眠”和“休息”。                         

4. 有订立“劳动时间”(包括院务)。                                 

5. 有包含人格发展的基本素质,包括自我情绪控制与情感成熟度、发展友谊和人际关系、独身和贞节。                                          哪一些?__________

6. 有项目帮助妥善处理人与事的能力(贫穷与简朴生活、服从和服务、本份和责任、合作和团队建立、公开演说和沟通、财物管理)。        


7. 修院有人负责促进人格培育:协调员、人格培育主任或心理辅导员。






C.  Spiritual Formation



Spiritual formation is centered on God’s grace-experience, namely, to live in intimate and unceasing union with God the Father through his Son, Jesus Christ, in the Holy Spirit.

Spiritual Formation is chiefly concerned with different forms of personal and community prayer, union between action and contemplation in daily life, and cultivation of self-rootedness in God.







Question: Do you find these elements in your seminary?



1. The Liturgical-Sacramental dimension is actively present in the life of the seminarians (Daily Mass, Liturgy of Hours, Homily, Sacrament of Penance, Penitential Rites).                                   

Yes No

礼仪及圣事幅度存在于修生的生活中(平日弥撒、早晚课、讲道、修和圣事、修和礼)。  □ 


2. Development of solid devotions (Devotion to the Blessed Sacrament, the Eucharistic Adoration, Devotion to Our Lady, Praying the Rosary etc.)

                                                                                        Yes No  Which ones?




3. Personal Prayer (Daily Meditation, Examination of Conscience, Biblical and Spiritual Readings).       Yes No




4. Personal and Communitarian Forms of Asceticism (Sacred Silence, Humility and Mortifications, Fraternal Correction, Solitude, Solidarity with the poor and Simplicity of life).

Yes No Which ones?

个人和群体形式的修行(神圣静默、谦逊和克己、兄弟之间的规劝、独处、与穷人为伴、简朴生活)。                                               □ □ 哪一些?___________


5. Means for Spiritual growth (Monthly meeting with the Spiritual Director (foro interno), Monthly and Yearly Retreats, Preparation and Reception of Ministries, Balance between Prayer, Study and Apostolate).                                   Yes No Which ones?

深化灵修的方法(与神师每月会面一次、奉行每月及每年的避静、准备及领受各项 职务,在祈祷、读书和使徒工作三者取得平衡)。



6. There are persons who can contribute to Spiritual formation (Spiritual Director, Teachers of different forms of prayers and of different forms of spirituality, Coordinator or Director for Spiritual Formation).                                                   Yes No Who?     

修院有人带领灵修培育(神师、不同形式的祈祷及不同类型灵修的导师、灵修培育协调员或导师)。                                                         □ □ 哪一些?___________




7. There are periodical assessments of the effectiveness of spiritual formation programs and of the progress of the seminarians.                                 Yes No How often?




D.    Intellectual Formation


      Disciples of Jesus are perpetual learners from the Lord. The interaction between intellectual formation life and Spiritual formation is needed. Credo ut intelligam, intelligo ut credam. The first task is to acquire a personal knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ, who is the fullness God’s revelation.

Intellectual formation deals with the mutual relation between “Faith and Reason”. It has an apostolic and missionary purpose. A program of philosophical and theological studies is required. The understanding of Chinese traditions and cultures is also a necessity.





Question: Do you find these elements in your seminary?



1.      At the basic requirement, a sound liberal arts education for the seminarians is requested (including a good knowledge of Mathematics, Natural science, Social and Behavioral Sciences, World and National History, World and Chinese Literature, Modern Foreign Languages, Informatics and Communication skills, Fine arts [Chinese calligraphy], etc.)                                                                                                           Yes No Specify




2.      At the initial stage, a deeper vocational discernment is provided, and some courses on the understanding of the Scripture and Creed, Liturgy, Christian morality, Christian prayer along the line of Catechism of the Catholic Church, Ancient languages [Latin and Greek], etc., are offered.                   Yes No Which ones?

在初期阶段,提供有深度的圣召分辨,也按照《天主教教理》的内容,提供一些帮助明白圣经和信经、礼仪、基督徒伦理、基督徒祈祷、古代语言〔拉丁文和希腊文〕等的课程。                                   □ 否□ 哪一项?__________


3.      A balanced, comprehensive, and integrated program of philosophy in view of giving a solid basis for the studies of Catholic Theology and for the “evangelization of culture” is provided (with all the required courses including all the Philosophical Treatises, History of Philosophy [Western and Chinese], Philosophy of life in Chinese Cultural Traditions, Recent Ideological Development in China).

                                                                                                                                                                                           Yes No Specify


□ □ 请说明___________


4.      A theology program, aiming at “an ever deeper knowledge of the divine mysteries” is offered, - based upon the attitude of  “faith seeking understanding”, - apostolically motivated by “the universal salvation”, - and including all the required subjects (mainly, Fundamental Theology, Bible [OT and NT], Trinity, Christology, Moral Theology [in all its aspects], Ecclesiology, Sacraments, Mariology, Canon Law, Patristics, Church History, Spiritual Theology, Liturgy, Pastoral Theology, Theology of World Religions...

          Yes No Specify


  □ □ 请说明___________

5.      Seminarians study Theology in the context of their priestly personal formation and of their cultural experiences:                                     Yes No




6.      The academic curriculum as a whole shows a coherent unity between the understanding of faith and the evangelization of the present culture.        Yes No




7.     A theology program is offered, which includes all the required courses, with particular concern for Comparative Theology of other Religions: Yes No







8.   Means for Intellectual growth: Group studies, Private Tuitions, Workshop or Round Table, Individual / Group Research Papers, Use of Library, Thesis,   etc.

                                                                                              Yes No Which ones?         




9.   There are periodical assessments of the effectiveness of intellectual formation programs and of the progress of the seminarians:                               Yes No How often?









E.       Pastoral Formation



   “The whole formation imparted to candidates for the priesthood aims at preparing them to enter into communion with the charity of Christ the Good Shepherd. Hence, their formation in its different aspects must have a fundamentally pastoral character” (PDV 57).

    The priest should be able to stand and act in the community in the name and person of Jesus Christ, Head and Shepherd of the Church. It requires to cultivate abilities in the fields of preaching, celebrating liturgy, building Christian community, mission ad gentes, cultural knowledge, and social concerns.


“给予司铎候选人的整个培育的目的,是为准备他们进入与基督善牧的爱的共融。因此,以其不同观点来说,他们的培育应具备基本牧灵的特性。”(《我要给你们牧者》宗座劝谕(Pastores dabo vobis),57)



Question: Do you find the following dimensions and elements in the Pastoral formation in your Seminary?





1.          Pastoral formation is closely connected with Human, Spiritual, and Intellectual formation.                                                                                                                                                             Yes No

2.          The cultivation of the aptitude and ability to relate and to communicate with people, and to proclaim God’s Word and to celebrate sacraments.                         Yes No

3.          The cultivation of the aptitude and ability to build up Christian community and to take part in Church’s Mission.                                                                                                                                          Yes No    

4.          The development of the ability for harmonizing the different duties and activities (prayer, apostolate, rest, etc.)                                                                                                             Yes No    

5.          It is done through the initiation to pastoral experiences in a parish.Yes No

6.          It aims at heightening of the awareness of religious pluralism, the preferential love for the poor and the weak, the servant leadership, the sense of pastoral responsibility, the spirit of collaboration with others (collegiality with other fellow priests under the direction of the bishop, cooperation with lay people), the ability to solve conflicts, flexibility and creativeness, the adaptation to new and unexpected circumstances, approachability to people, etc.                                                                   Which priorities? 


1.          牧民培育与人格、灵修及知识三方面的培育紧密相连。           否

2.          培养宣讲天主圣言和举行圣事的态度和能力。                   否

3.          培养建立基督徒团体和参加教会福传使命的态度和能力。      否

4.          有帮助修生建立能力,使之能调和不同职责和活动(祈祷、使徒工作、休息等)。 否

5.          透过在一个堂区的牧民工作,加深牧民体验。                   否

6.          旨在提高宗教多元化的醒觉、优先关爱穷人弱小、仆人精神的领导、牧灵责任感、合作精神(在主教领导下,与其它神父的团队精神,与教友的合作)、解决矛盾的能力、灵活性与创新能力、适应新与意想不到的环境、与别人易于相处等。




II) General Situation of the Seminary


A) Name and Place of the Seminary:                                When (Re-opened)? Where?

B) Number of the seminarians in the last ten years, if you know

   2000, 2001, 2002 ... 2009, 2010, number of Philosophers, number of Theologians

C) Courses and Subjects, offered during the years of Philosophy and of Theology

D) Daily Schedule of the activities (+ weekly and monthly, if any)


() 修院概况


A. 修院名称及地点:




B. 最近十年的修生人数:
















































E.   Structure and Administration of the Seminary


Question: Do you find the following elements in your seminary?

1.      There is a sort of Diocesan Priestly Formation Committee, appointed by the Bishop (bishops if inter-regional seminary) and composed of priests and lay people, whose duty is to take care of the mission and policy of the seminary, and to plan ahead the human resources (choice of professors and formators and plan for their updating).                                                     Yes No

2.      A rector (and/or a deputy rector) is appointed by the Ecclesial authority according to the canon law, as the principal agent responsible for the implementation of the seminary program and is held accountable to the Bishop(s).                                                                 Yes No

3.      The Seminary has a Formators’ Team, officially appointed by the Bishop (s) in charge of deciding the guidelines of the formation of the seminarians and of accompanying them in the formation process.                                                                                                                                        Yes No

4.      A vice-rector, whose duty is to assist the rector.                  Yes No

5.      A Spiritual Director and extraordinary Confessors.            Yes No

6.      Other Formations Staff: Director of Human Formation, Director of Pastoral Formation, Business manager or Treasurer in financial matters, Officer for management and public relations, etc.                                                                  Who?       

7.  Teaching Staff, with a canonical mission, profession of faith, and teaching qualifications.


8 Scheduled meetings for planning and review.                   Yes No How often?






2. 修院有一位院长(及/或一位常务副院长),由教会当局按照天主教法典委任,作为执行修院一切项目的主要负责人,并当向主教负责。是 否

3.修院有一个培育小组,通常由主教(或主教们)委任,主管修生培育的方针,以及在培育过程中陪伴他们成长。                                                                         否

4.有一位副院长,职责是协助院长。                                   否

5.有一位神师和特派告解司铎。                                              否□ 

6.其它培育成员:人格培育主任、牧民培育主任、财务主任、管理及公共关系主任等。             否□ 哪一位?

7. 教学老师,要具备天主教法律所订明的使命、宣认信仰、教学资格等。

                                                                                                     否□ 请说明

8.有定期策划和检讨会议。                                                      否□ 多少次?


III) Vocational Discernment



Vocational Discernment is the process of analyzing, understanding, and evaluating signs, expressions, and elements of an individual personality through which the Holy Spirit indicates that a particular candidate is called to the priestly life. The Bishop should appoint some delegates, preferably members of the formators’ team of the seminary, who keep contacts with the candidates, with their parish priest and their family, in order to carry on the screening process of the signs of their vocation, in a gradual manner. 

Potential candidates for the priesthood must be in prayerful dialogue with God and with the Bishop’s delegates to discern their vocation. Eventually, this dialogue may come to some conclusion. When a candidate’s “suitability” emerges in a clear way from the discernment, he may be advised to apply for the admission to the Seminary. Dioceses and Seminaries must have a clear Admission Policy, which can be regularly reviewed and updated. When a candidate’s “suitability” does not emerge from the discernment, he may be asked to give up or to delay the process.









III. Questions:

A. Are some formators appointed for the vocational discernment and does a discernment procedure exist?                                                                      Specify           



B. In discerning the suitability of a potential candidate to enter the Seminary and proceed for the formation program, are there the following elements?



1.      During the interviews with the potential candidate, he shows a serious commitment in his journey of faith and to keep a constant attitude of discernment:                                                              Yes No

2.      He has ‘indications’/‘signs’ in human dimension, that should be considered the minimal qualities necessary for admission to the priestly formation:

Good physical and mental health (absence of serious pathology, HIV, addictions, strong emotive instability, or other forms of abnormalities)                                                                Yes No  

An affective-sexual maturity appropriate to their age:                           Yes No

A genuine empathy that enables the applicant to connect well and personally with others:                  Yes No

Taking into consideration family background and the following relationships:                         A sufficient freedom to make choice:                                                 Yes No

A capacity for growth:                                          Yes No

A deep desire to be a man for others:                               Yes No


1.  在具备潜质的司铎候选人面试中,应考虑到他对信仰旅程显出严谨的承诺,又能对分辨持有恒心的态度。             否

2.  他在人格领域上,有征象显示他已达到可被录取接受司铎培育的最低要求。




在情感及性方面,持有配合其年龄的成熟态度。                           否

具有真诚的同理心,使他与其它人保持良好关系。                       否


具有充分自由作出抉择。                                                           否

具有成长的潜质。                                                                       否

具有强烈愿望为他人而活。                                                       否


3.   Indications in spiritual dimension:

A man of faith who prays daily                                                     Yes No                  

Coming from a life of commitment in a parish (or similar setting)                  Yes No

Frequent Eucharist (not only once a week)                                                  Yes No

Regular sacramental confession                                                                  Yes No

Commitment in the spiritual life                                                                 Yes No

Aptitude for community life                                                                        Yes No

Willing to share his life and cooperate with others                                       Yes No



是一位有信仰的人,每天祈祷。                                                           否

在堂区(或类似情况)内愿意承担责任。                                           否

时常参与感恩祭(每周不只一次)。                                                   否

定期领受告解圣事。                                                                               否

对灵修生活肯投入。                                                                               否

适合群体生活。                                                                                       否

愿意与他人分享自己的生活,易与他人合作。                                   否


4.      Indications in intellectual dimension:

Capacity for critical thinking and for synthesis                                            Yes No

Ability to understand both abstract and practical questions                          Yes No

Ability to communicate effectively in both oral and written form                   Yes No

The required High School Education standard                                        Yes No



有批判思维能力和综合能力。                                                               否

有能力理解抽象和实际问题。                                                               否

在说话和书写两方面,都有沟通能力。                                               否

达到高中教育程度。                                                                               否


5.      Indications in pastoral dimension:

Love for the Church and her Mission                                                         Yes No

Sensitive to the needs of others and desire to respond them                        Yes No

Willingness to take initiative                                                                        Yes No

A good balance between prayer life and active life                                       Yes No



爱护教会和她的使命。                                                                           否

对别人的需要敏锐,并愿意响应这些需要。                                       否

有主动工作的精神。                                                                               否

在祈祷生活和日常活动之中取得平衡                                                   否


6.      Indications in Right Intention:

Strong adherence to faith and religious values                                             Yes No

Proper motivations (detected through psychological sciences)                    Yes No

Joy and serenity in community life (in general)                                            Yes No  



强烈坚持信仰和宗教价值。                                                                   否

(透过心理检测知道)持有正确的动机。                                           否

(总体说来)对团体生活持有喜乐与祥和的心态。                           否


7.      The applicant should provide: Evaluations from their pastors or teachers,

Records and evaluations from a previous seminary or religious institute (if applicable), Baptism and Confirmation certificates, Personal documents (Birth certificate or other ID document), Criminal background checks (if applicable), Academic records, Health certificate, Psychological evaluations or assessment, Applicant’s letter for the application where his intention is clearly stated, Clearance of marriage bond (if applicable).

Yes No Specify




□  请说明___________




IV)  Admission



Candidates for admission in the Seminary should have attained, at least in some measure, growth in human, spiritual, intellectual, and pastoral dimensions. The applicants should show their conviction that God bring them to the Seminary, so that they are willing to further carry on with the formators the discernment of God’s will.




Question: As for the admission process, do you find the following elements?


1.  The Diocese/Seminary has established a clear admission procedure.       Yes No

2.  The procedure includes a dialogue with the rector (and the spiritual director) prior to the submission of application.                                                                                                               Yes No

3.      The candidate has to present FREELY his written application with his self-assessment and motivations.        Yes No

4.      An admission committee has been formed to assist the process.          Yes No

5.      Opinions are requested from those who are involved in formation and teaching of the applicant.                                                                                                                                                             Yes No

6.  After the discussion of admission committee, the final step of admission is taken by the Bishop.      Yes No



1. 教区或修院设立了一个明确的收生程序。                                          否

2. 在递交申请前,已与修院院长(及神师)交谈过。                          否

3. 候选人自愿地提交书面申请,说明他的自我评估和修道动机。      否

4. 修院成立收录委员会,以协助这收录进程。                                      否

5. 征集将来有份担任申请人的培育和教学的人士的意见。                  否

6. 经过收录委员会的讨论,最后一步是由主教批准录取。                  否




Thank you. 谢谢!































APPENDIX 附录                                                                                            (简体版)




Holy Spirit Seminary: Mission of Formation







According to the teaching of the Church, the Seminary aims at forming shepherds, who are configured to Christ the Good Shepherd, and who acquire a truly apostolic spirit. They should possess a deep faith, a mature vocation to the priesthood, an integral personality, a good physical and psychological health, the capability to live and cooperate with people, as well as to properly perform the leadership role.




Holy Spirit Seminary’s OBJECTIVES

for Each Stage of Formation



1. 先修阶段:转向更专注的信仰生活

    Introductory/Orientation StageTurning towards a greater concern for religious life



Deepening one’s faith: strengthen the understanding of the Word of God and of the Catholic Doctrine; improve the practice of prayer, cultivate the discipline of the spiritual life


Joining in the community life: know one self, understand the brothers, practice communication, cooperation, and mutual support


Discerning one’s vocation: purify one’s intentions, understand better the vocation of the diocesan priest, confirm one’s vocation 


2. 哲学阶段:以基督为师,潜心修行

    Philosophy Stage: deepening the spiritual cultivation with Jesus Christ as Master



        Possess the spirit of self-sacrifice within the community life


Understand human nature, practice virtues (honesty, self-discipline, sense of responsibility, etc.)


        Foster the passion of searching for truth, the readiness to accept the truth


        Learn to critically evaluate problems and events, to express one’s opinion in a proper way


3. 神学阶段:效法善牧基督,服务天主子民

    Theology Stage: Imitating Christ the Good Shepherd, Serving the People of God 



        Understand the meaning of the ministries one is going to receive 


Carry on one’s self-cultivation, so to be able to guide people in it


        Possess pastoral charity, the vision and the ability of a leader 


 Fulfilling oneself and others through service




GUIDELINES for the Evaluation of the candidates


I. 整体评估General Evaluation


    A. 对培育的态度 Attitude toward formation


1.          对培育持开放态度

          Constant open attitude toward formation

2.          愿意对培育者表白自己

        Willingness to open oneself up to the formators

3.          致力将培育的价值内在化

    Commitment to interiorize the formation values

4.          能恰当地跟长上(教会权威)往来

    Capability to properly relate with the Superiors (Church authorities)


    B. 对圣召的态度 Attitude toward One’s Vocation


1.          渴望过司铎生活

    Desire to live and work as priest

2.          对做神父的动机有深切的反省,并不断净化

    Deep awareness of the motivations to become a priest, and continuously rectifying them

3.          明了神父生活的特质,实践服从、独身、神贫三个福音劝喻

Clear understanding of the characteristics of the priestly life, namely, the practice of the three evangelical counsels, obedience, celibacy and spiritual poverty

4.          有积极的行动显示自己对教会的承担

    Positive actions in showing one’s concern and responsibility for the Church


C.        对团体的态度Attitude towards community


1.          对团体有归属感

    Sense of belonging to the community

2.          爱惜修院公物

    Care for the properties of the Seminary

3.          耐心聆听,关心别人的需要

    Patience in listening to and Concern for the needs of other people

4.          尊重团体作息的时间(院务、运动、礼仪、膳食)

    Respect /Observance of the timetable of the Seminary (services, activities, liturgy, meals…)

5.          善用团体一起或个别交谈的机会,彼此认识,互相勉励

Good use of occasions for communitarian and individual dialogue, for mutual understanding and encouragement

6.          说话有礼貌、有爱德,顾及别人感受

    Kindness in words and charity in action, caring for the feelings of others

7.          能为公益而放下个人的喜好

    Readiness to give up one’s individual preferences for the common good

8.          愿意与弟兄建立友谊,维持健全的友谊

    Willingness to start, keep and build up friendly relationship with all brothers

9.          尊重弟兄关系的界线和个人空间

    Respect for the relationship limits and the individual space of the other brothers





II. 个别培育范畴评估 Evaluation of the dimensions of Formation


   A. 人格培育Human Formation


1.          能自我反省 

    Capability to reflect on oneself

2.          认识自己的长处、短处、能力

    Understanding one’s positive and negative points, talents included

3.          意识自己的情绪和感受,懂得适当表达自己的情绪和感受

    Awareness of one’s feelings and emotions, and ability to properly express them

4.          懂得接受成功和失败

Knowing the proper way to deal with one’s success and failure

5.          能正视自己、接纳自己

    Correct vision and acceptance of oneself

6.          对自己的生命有责任感,生活有纪律

    Sense of responsibility for and sense of discipline in life

7.          愿意为改善自己而作出努力,超越自己

    Constant efforts to improve and to transcend oneself

8.          抱开放态度接受别人的批评和赞赏

    Positive acceptance of other people’s criticism and praise

9.          懂得分配时间,处理压力,过平衡的生活

Knowing how to plan one’s time, to deal with pressure, and monotony of life

10.      有独处和面对孤独的能力

    Ability to deal with isolation and solitude

11.      注意个人卫生、仪表

    Care for one’s hygiene and dignified bearing

12.      注意身体健康(运动、饮食)

    Concern for one’s health (sport, food…)

13.      具基本的社交技巧,能自然地与不同年龄性别的人交往

 Basic communication skills and ability to relate in a natural way with all people of different age and sex.



    B. 灵修培育 Spiritual Formation


1.          信赖天主,在一切事上学习把自己交托给祂;为跟随基督,愿舍弃一切

 Faith in God, learning to trust oneself to Him in all circumstances; willingness to give up everything in order to follow Christ

2.          效法圣母、圣人热爱耶稣和教会

    Imitation of the Virgin Mary and of Saints in loving Christ and the Church

3.          热爱圣言、圣体和教会的礼仪生活

    Deep love for the Word of God, the Eucharist, the Liturgical Life of the Church

4.          忠于日常祈祷,恒常阅读圣书

    Faithfulness in the daily prayer and constancy in reading religious books

5.          积极参与团体的灵修活动

    Positive participation in the communitarian spiritual activities

6.          虚心寻求灵修指导,定期领受修和圣事

Humbleness of searching spiritual guidance, and regular reception of the Sacrament of Reconciliation

7.          对教会的灵修传统有整体的认识

    Thorough knowledge of the spiritual tradition of the Church

8.          愿意在灵修生活上扩阔视野,不断成长

    Efforts to widen the vision of one’s spiritual life, and to make progress in it

9.          能在灵性成长方面帮助别人

    Ability to help other in their spiritual progress.


    C. 学术培育 Intellectual or Academic Formation


1.          能善用时间,主动学习

    Capability to make good use of time, and to carry on personal study

2.          掌握学习上和牧职上必需的语文

    Mastery of the languages required by one’s studies and pastoral ministry

3.          能用说话和文字清晰地表达自己

    Ability to clearly express one’s ideas both in speaking and in writing

4.          投入哲学和神学的学习

    Serious involvement in studying philosophy and theology

5.          忠于圣言和教会训导

    Faithfulness to the teaching of the Bible and of the Church Tradition

6.          充份掌握天主教教义,能以说话和文字宣认、说明

 Full mastery of the doctrine of the Catholic Church in order to be able to announce and explain it both in words and in writing.



    D.  牧民培育Pastoral Formation


1.          能按牧民处境宣讲圣言

    Ability to explain the Word of God in any pastoral circumstances

2.          熟悉牧民礼仪和讲道技巧

Good homiletic skills for pastoral and liturgical services

3.          对传福音怀有热忱

Zeal for evangelization

4.          有牧灵爱德的精神,愿意接触一切人

Spirit of pastoral charity, willingness to approach everybody

5.          能对一切人开放,同时亦清楚修生的社交界线

Openness to all people, but keeping the proper lines according to the seminarian’s identity

6.          能忠实地介绍和解释教会的伦理训导

Ability to faithfully present and explain the ethical doctrine of the Church

7.          关怀弱小贫困和被忽视的人

Concern for the weak, poor and marginalized people

8.          具牧职所需的领导才能和管理技巧

Leadership talent and management skills for a good pastoral ministry

9.          能与别人合作

    Capability to cooperate with other people.



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